I, Psionic Tarrasque, can be trusted with Mentourship

Hello, Beestation. I see you’ve noticed my server-crashing pile of explosive lemons. So here are my demands. I demand you review my application for mentorship. I demand $18,000 in an attaché case. Don’t make me do something we’ll both regret.
Victory SBTC.

Your CKEY: Psionic Tarrasque

Your Discord: phughesmahole

How long have you been playing ss13?: 3 & a half years.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Bleue, Absolucy, Varo, Nikki, BotTierPC,

Game Experience (More Detailed):
The discord function says I have 3247 hours.

I know most of medical (except Virologist), I can set up a decent supermatter or turbine. I am a master botanist. I was better with the old atmos system, but I am interested in understanding LINDA.
I’m pretty good at xenobiology, mining, and robotics. I’m decent at construction.
I’m teaching myself the code.



Sorry for the wait Psionic, the staff team was having our annual cuddle session and unfortunately weren’t able to add any questions for you… TILL NOW!!!

Im sure others will follow, but lets get you started here;

Got THREE Questerino’s for you! I really look forward to your response, and remember even a wrong answer is a good one. So while im sure you got this, don’t stress and respond when you can!

  1. How do i put a Gernade into a plushie?
  2. Halp! Nanites confuse da FAK OUTTA ME!! How on Gods Grey Station do they work? I saw da wiki but like fam, i cant make tails or hesds of dat wack shite so can yous like, idk explain it any better or something? I heard you can make people sing so like how would i make people say custom lyrics atleast ig.
  3. Hi. No Medical, am Botonist. I want to min-max a healing plant, what are the best traits, genes, chems or whatever for me to put in it and can you tell me which plants they are so i know what to grow. Thank.

Also, not that i mind, chances are i wouldve offered but if giving vouch wouldve liked to know before hand. That way atleast couldve celebrated with you as you made your application (ㅠ﹏ㅠ).
Either way though, like i said, take your time and good luck. Im sure you got this,
And we are happy for your app, even if it doesnt seem like it given delayed responses but im excited at the prospect of you joining us as im sure many others on staff are too. So hopefully we dont take too long with the rest of your application, and sorry in advance if we do


  1. how do i make the botany trays golden. i saw another botanist do it.
  2. how do i chose my module as a caborg?
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I’m sorry, I thought I had asked you in LOOC.

1: Why would you want to do that with a poor innocent stuffy? :c Well, I assume you have a good reason. Have a grenade. Use a scalpel (or probably other knives, that’s just the one I tested that worked) on the stuffy, insert the grenade into the stuffy.

2: The Sensor types receive information from the user or their surroundings and output a signal to other nanites. So if it’s a thing that picks up the state of the person it’s in, you should have it start on with an output signal. If it’s a nanite program that Does something, it should probably start off and turn on when receiving an appropriate signal (Like, blood regeneration only turns on if blood percentage is below 85%). To actually put a program into a nanite cloud, put a nanite disk into “Nanite Program Hub”, load the program into it. Put the disk into the “Nanite Programmer” to setup the program, then the “Nanite Cloud Controller” to save your completed program to a cloud.

3: if you’re wanting to avoid harming Oozling crew, then the best chemicals you can reliably get are kelotane and Bicaridine from Ambrosia Vulgaris for Burn & Brute respectively. Salbumatol from Space Tobacco can cure oxy damage. Vitamin also has a mild healing effect, and that’s found in most plants (best is Sweet Potatoes). With the addition of bleeding, blood loss can be a problem so I suggest blood from blood tomatoes. If you’re willing to accept Oozlings harm, then Omnizine from Ambrosia Deus or lifeweed is better at all damage types. You can also grab earthblood from Ambrosia Gaia but that has a brain damage side effect to watch out for. If you add Hydrogen (Balloon fruits), Water (-melons), and Sugar (-cane), those mix when the plant is harvested to form a brain-fixing chemical. Vitrium Froth comes from a lavaland plant and has a slight healing effect. You Might be able to get better healing chems from strange seeds but that’s random so don’t rely on it. If you’re specifically trying to help Oozling crew, take Toxin from Ambrosia Vulgaris, Carpotoxin from koi beans and nutriment (densest source is pumpkin or watermelon), since they lose blood volume and eventually limbs while hungry. The amount of chemical you get is Potency x the percentage after the chemical name. You can multiply that by 2 by taking Richer Juice trait from Extradimensional oranges. Be sure to have Perennial on your masterpiece so you don’t have to keep planting it. I also like to add a Bioluminescence to it to thank the Great Lamp for its benevolence. Before you distribute it, check contents by hitting the fruit with a botanical analyzer (the green tricorder you start with) and make sure none of the chems exceed their overdose threshold. Also name it by using your pen on the seed.

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1: Mutate Ambrosia Vulgaris twice to produce Ambroisa Gaia (5 units of Unstable Mutagen rolls the dice on it maybe mutating). Maximize potency with Saltpetre. Watch out for weeds, as Ambrosia Gaia is very vulnerable to it. When the center red light in the tray flashes, hit it with the Cultivator. About 15-20 units of Earthblood makes a tray golden. You can also take the trait out of the plant. and add it to something else. I like to use grass. If you decide to keep it in the gaia, add perennial to it to make it stay alive through harvesting.

2: Assuming you haven’t chosen it yet, click this button to the right of the box with the green 3.

If you’ve already chosen a module, then you need to ask a roboticist to reset you.
They need to unlock you, open you, remove your cell, screwdriver to expose your wires, then cut and then repair the one with a star.

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Hello, friend! Wow, is quite a lot of hours! Am afraid I don’t have the money, but I can ask you questions if that helps! Fair warning, am still pretty new to being mentor, so not sure if have validity to give plus one or not, but figured would at least give questions.

  1. My PDA won’t turn on, how fix?
  2. I’m a paramedic, and I got this weird pumpup stimpack in the mail, what does it do?
  3. I have this bottle of lizard mutation, but I can’t seem to actually use any of it! How do I get it out of the bottle?
  4. These space vines are becoming a real problem, how do we get rid of them? They’ve taken over practically all of cargo, and the clown blew up chemistry trying to make meth.

I hope questions are okay, and wish you luck answering them!

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  1. I can’t put this mmi into a borg for some reason
  2. Please help, i can deal damage as a pacifist chef
  3. I saw a guy throw a drink and it didnt spill, why?
  4. In 3 sentences or less, tell me what are your thoughts on bunnies.
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Honestly maybe! Dont be sorry because its totally okay, i easily could’ve forgot! Like I said, either way probably would have given anyways <3

Sorry, but ill nit-pick few things;

  1. Amazing, great and more then good !! Just wondering how you’d reapond if they ask a follow up question of; “will this count as erp?”
  2. This was a good answer, maybe long but im a pereptraitor of that. As far as how nanites work, I think thats enough of a broad explanation that it would just leave specifics if they wanted clarification. BUT, the question was how do i make people sing a set of lyrics [my hyper link :frowning: ] which seems to be not exanded upon enough there. It gives a rough idea of nanites as a whole, but if you couldve focused on or atleast expanded upon using nanites to make people say things wouldve been perfect.
  3. So this answer starts to get a little more subjective since personal prefrence and yours is good. Long though, in an actual mhelp that might be tough, but on that note and same as before, application answers tend to be longer then what you’ll give in game, just something to keep in mind. And finally for the plant aspect it was good of you to make a specification for oozelings which is praiseable, id like to nit pick the rest;
    Omnizome heals brute/burn/toxin/oxygen, so everything at a good rate but causes 1 tick of brain damage. Mannitol is 3 simple chems which can be aquired without mutating anyplants and heals 2 brain damage per tick. If you add in the Bicard and Kelo for MORE brute/burn id say theres another plant you should add, which is also a big part of what i was looking for
    Spacemans Trumpet and Galaxythistle.
    Both have Botony Plant Excusive chems, that Stop bleeding in the Spacemans trumpet, and liver healing in Galaxy thistle in case of Bicard/Kelo od.
    Like i said, the things i wanted to hear were atleast mention of either of those chems since theyre a botony thing, but im not disatisfied with your answer all in all

With that out of the way; if you’re fine with answering one more Botony question before i give my opinion then i look forward to seeing your answer to this one:

  1. How usful is the floral somotray? i know its a thing that can mutate and adjust yeild, so whats it like actually do, is it a chance to change like a dosage of unstable mutagen? If so whats its equivalent in units of.

Again, sorry for the wait as is the laze. But hopefully NEXT time its not so long, or if it is well sorry in advance but with high hopes do i watch your application so till next time, <3

jobs not spread out that much but you have a lot of hours! You look like youd do well as a mentor.

  1. “Why are my nanites not growing they just drain out immediately what do i do”
  2. “How do i set up the sm?”
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  1. Help i want to scan a backpack but i keep putting the scanner into it instead
  2. How do i get a pet out of the pet carrier?
  3. The Station is pretty dark, and i want to start the SM, but the Lasers arent firing, why?
  4. Help, I want to distil tritium but can barely fit any into the canisters, what do i do?

P.S. What are your IC names, just curious since i barely remember anybodies Ckey

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  1. The most likely explanation is that the PDA battery has been run dry. Charge it using the same charger that sec uses to recharge a gun.
  2. Sounds like the traitor item, which injects stimulants. That chem has a gradual heal, negates stuns, and makes you faster.
  3. Is it a heirloom item? Those can’t be opened. If it’s not, then it’s probably a Plastic bottle. Alt-click it to remove the cap.
  4. Oh dear. The solutions to that (in roughly decreasing order of effectiveness): shuttle call, Garden-ERT (Ask captain to call for it or send a fax to Centcom and pray), Welding torches, weed-killer grenades (chem can be repaired), Weedkiller kit from Cargo (you can bypass the actual cargo department with a Bluespace delivery beacon), and your final option is Pete the Goat.
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  1. Is the borg empty? It could already have someone in it, examine it to be sure. The player could also be banned from borg roles. They could also have vacated the brain. If it isn’t talking, examine it to make sure it’s responsive.
  2. Turn combat mode off and only left click on people.
  3. Beakers don’t spill unless thrown on hostile intent. Bartenders have the unique talent to throw glasses without spilling
  4. I prefer rodents to lagromorphs but they’re still cute.
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