I fucked up, and I'd like to apologize

When I told my friend I was the captain at a very important trial, and he suggested I say “KILL THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT”, (and I’m not entirely sure what utter logic failure in my brain lead up to this happening), but I said so, and it lead to an absolute shitfest which was entirely my fault and nobody else’s. Anyone who sided me was literally just following orders. Anyone who mutinied against me was entirely within their right to do so as I had literally just ordered 3 executions over nothing “to be fair to both parties”. I only did it because I thought it would be “laugh your pants off funny”, (and it kind of was), but I fully understand that what I did was ENTIRELY out of bounds for how a captain should act, and I fully accept any and all consequences for my actions. This is not a ban appeal, this is not an “I wasn’t wrong because it funny”, this is not even an “I"m sorry so I don’t deserve any consequences” type of thread.

This is a formal apology addressed to everyone involved, as soon as possible, so that everyone understands my apology is genuine, and I don’t come across as sarcastic or unapologetic by giving too little, and too late.

Sincerly, David Chipley

As the clown who was executed that round, I have only one thing to say:


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You killed caelius

You are forgiven

By killing Caecilius you have served justice and removed one sinner. Even if It took 2 innocents with him, it was totally worth it, as it’s better to kill innocent toddler than let an old perv live.

Doing God’s work

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