I flipped an antag coin and got antag 12 times in a row. Can I get an antag token?

That’s less than a one in a million chance. I have photo proof. Can I get an antag coin?

Edit: Here’s the proof

Edit 2: So that’s actually 12-15. I don’t remember how it counts this, it’s been a few weeks



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show us da PROOF bro

pics or didn’t happen‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‎

(0.5)^12 is less than 0.025% chance.



Ok, you got antag 12 times in a row

You dont need a token

salid or valid you decide!11! nn zeskos court by plaemobil ™
who deserve bane for youz?? yes yes you get banepost for you yes

What is this qoute from zesko lol I mean who created this if not zeskorion? He is so bad for the envroment of baystation ss13 byond inclded by exadv11 1921

WHO CREATED THIS :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: WHO CREATED THIS

stay mad

Ask and you shall recieve

i could donate youone of my 4 TOKENS jk

Give this man an antag token

Who gave you 4 tokens.

Just give admins the S U C C

I don’t even have any antag tokens myself, and I never had :frowning:

lol, jannie unrobust and retarded!

clears troath GID GUD

haha jk… …unless?