I cant log into beestation

When i try to connect to sage i get “connection failed”. If i try while using beta version it says “connection failed after handshake”. Writing here cause i cant get verified in discord for the same reason. When i try to complete step 1 from BeeBot: Connect to byond://sage.beestation13.com:7878 using your ckey, i gt connection failed.

The 515 beta is way more unstable than the proper 514 version. Did you download 514 first and try to run it directly? In such case if recommended restarting your pc after each new installation, has helped me a ton.

Well, i restarted pc and i have stable version. Still same result: connection failed. Monkestation and goon work fine though.

Try installing 514

Does having stable version mean i have 514? I sadly cant post screemshot for some reason

I wouldn’t call any version of byond stable, I’ve just found that the new 515 beta gives me a lot of issues when playing on bee. 514 is what I and many others use to play bee and is probably what you should play on too.

It seems i have 514. Now i started to be constantly disconnected from monke so maybe i just have shitty provider

I tried to join game using smartphone hotspot. And it worked. God, I need to change my provider.


Well, i managed to join game. Even transfered character from ss14(in terms of appearence and name) but after joining for several minutes character sprite and most tiles were black and when after sprites loaded game simply freezed. No idea what i am doing wrong. Maybe i really need to change provider. So i guess i will have to stick to monkey for now.(Though there i get disconnected a lot)

Can you send me your ckey? I can try to look into things a bit further.

It may be worth noting that we currently host out of Germany, so that may have some impact on your connection depending where in the world you are.

Huge F, hope it fixes itself for you

My ckey is BulkEngineer
I live un Ural region of russia. So distance between me and germany is similiar to distance between portugal and latvia i guess.

Hmm. I don’t see anything obvious blocking you on our end. Just to be safe, I altered a couple of of our networking rules and performed a handful of updates which may help out here.

Try again when you have some time and let me know if there’s any improvements.

I have also heard that some people have better connectivity using a VPN out of Russia, although your experience may vary.

Well, it certainly became better. Thank you for your hard work. I am still lagging but its more or less playable now. I even managed to walk around and get myself into AHAHAHAHAH mentasl state by eating some sugar as a felinid. But monke feels smoother than bee for now. Maybe i really should just try to change provider because i also have problems with discord voice chats and ss14. Thank you again.

Also if its important: OOC ping command gives result 180 ms.

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