Hyperndr banned by Tyranicranger4

Title: Hyperndr banned by Tyranicranger4

CKEY: Hyperndr

Admin’s CKEY: Tyranicranger4

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Ban Type: permanent ban

Ban Length: Forever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-12-03 04:26:32

Round ID: during round ID 24642

Ban Reason: As a non-antag attempted to build a fusionchamber
at commissary. Earlier in the round when asked if they had a project they said “give people
cancer with roads”. They did not get to complete the chamber due to someone breaking it. I
originally glossed over this for reasons I honestly can’t explain, that was my bad. Please
explain on the forums.

Appeal Reason: Firstly it was pretty stupid of me to build a fusion chamber and having it be so accessible to the general public. At the time I was playing a bunch of atmospherics and newly learned how to make fusion, and I just wanted to show the crew that I was a big boy now, with big boy knowledge.
Once again admittedly it was stupid to build it near the the hallways, but its been months since the ban and personally I think I’ve a reformed person.

Additional Information:


Wait, I am confused.

So you built half a fusion-chamber in the commissary, which was later tided into.

and… nothing came of this?
It never actually held any gases, much less been completed?

I mean, precedent has it that cases of actual plasmaflooded have gotten less than perma, so why was this punishment necessary??

IMO a bwoink telling them the extreme stupidity of what they are attempting( calling them out over CC for example would work IC), with a note to look out for future behavior, would have done the trick.

I am missing context though, so it feels like I’m missing the point.

Oh no fusion chamber was FULL of highly oxygenated burning plasma gas. It was THICK.
When the assistant did break the glass ALL of the plasma literally teleported everywhere outside of departments and burnt and killed anything to a crisp instantly.

You have no idea how fast that fire spread, you could of blinked and it would of already been at another department and burned a hole through the hull.
It was crazy fast.
Somehow it didnt fusion though.

Wait what?

Tyran said you hadnt completed it, but it was full of gas?

Well, that changes some things

It was pretty radical

But I WONT do it again

It was quite a while ago but if I recall correctly it wasn’t in the process of fusion yet which is why I said it hadn’t been completed but it was burning at the time.

Also I’ll look at this appeal more later.

wait, less than a year ago? sorry mate, admemes say this is instant deny

Free my mans.

I don’t know him, but it was 5 months and 4900+ rounds ago. Also he seems sincere in his apology.


This is only true for sustained permanent bans and does not apply to bans that were created with the intention of forcing an explanation on the forums which is why this ban was created.
This was always an “explain on the forums” type ban, it had just never been appealed.

Given that an explanation has now been provided I’m accepting this, don’t do stuff like this again please.