Hutch the moth - D.I.Y. the IPC Feedback (SergeantCherry)

My motivation for ss13 finally came back. Rather than unnecessary and undeserved praise i would like to hear some actual thoughts and experiences with Hutch just so i can explore the avenues i can improve in.

Two things - Your best bet on finding me will likely be medical
Hutch is a pacifist (perk). Both that and her name tie into her history (duh?).



good moth i would say

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Since im committed to the non-violent bit here’s a small update just so i can play miner/explo etc.


Please say hello to D.I.Y.
tl;dr The result of what happens when you mess with the wrong people.

To clarify, i cooouuuuld write both of their backstories as i have them set up but i would rather do it in game.


Pacifist brig med? that’s bound to attract trouble.


I started as a medbay main and the switch to brig phys was a really wise choice. You’d be suprised with the amount of shenaningans you can get yourself into and how much sec actually cares about your health. I wouldn’t say im a brig phys main per se, but it’s a nice comfort job for when i need it.