Hungry, Hungry Iron Hoarder
For all your greedy iron needs! This guide details the locations of most current iron sources so that people will stop heading directly to Robotics for the iron there.
I’ve only looked up stacks of 50 iron and included stacks of nearby rods.
Station Iron Deposits
AI sat: 50 iron
Engineering: 250 iron, 100 rods
Xenoarch: 50 iron
Atmospherics: 100 iron
Robotics: 300 iron
R&D: 50 iron
Aux storage: 100 iron, 50 rods
EVA: 50 iron, 50 rods
Aux base: 100 iron, 50 rods
Construction: 50 iron
Robotics: 300 iron
R&D: 50 iron
Shuttle construction: 50 iron, 50 rods
Cargo: 50 iron
Chemistry plumbing: 50 iron
Toxins test room: 50 iron, 50 rods
Aux base: 100 iron, 50 rods
Toxins test room: 50 iron, 50 rods
Robotics: 150 iron
R&D: 50 iron
Science Lobby: 50 iron
EVA: 50 iron
Engineering: 100 iron, 50 rods
Gateway: 50 iron, 50 rods
AI sat: 50 iron
Aux storage: 50 iron, 50 rods
Atmospherics: 100 iron, 100 rods
Aux base: 50 iron, 50 rods
Atmospherics: 100 iron
Engineering: 150 iron, 50 iron
Nanites: 50 iron
Abandoned Library: 100 iron, 50 rods
R&D: 100 iron
Medbay storage: 50 iron, 50 rods
Teleporter: 50 iron, 50 rods
Robotics: 250 iron
AI sat: 100 iron
Shuttle construction: 50 iron, 50 rods
Toxin test room: 50 iron, 50 rods
Gateway: 50 iron, 50 rods
Atmospherics: 300 iron, 100 rods
Robotics: 300 iron
Science lobby: 50 iron
R&D: 50 iron
Aux storage: 50 iron, 50 rods
Teleporter: 50 iron
Engineering: 150 iron, 100 rods
Aux base: 50 iron, 50 rods
Security test range: 50 iron, 50 rods
EVA: 100 iron, 100 rods
AI sat: 50 iron
Engineering: 200 iron, 50 rods
Atmospherics: 100 iron, 100 rods
EVA: 100 iron, 50 rods
Bar: 50 iron
R&D: 50 iron
Science: 50 iron
Robotics: 300 iron
Aux base: 100 iron, 50 rods
AI sat: 50 iron
Meta -
Toxins test room: 50 iron, 50 rods
Robotics: 300 iron
R&D: 50 iron
EVA: 100 iron, 100 rods
Teleporter: 50 iron
Gateway: 50 iron, 50 rods
Atmospherics: 100 iron
AI sat: 50 iron
Aux storage: 100 iron, 50 iron rods
Aux base: 100 iron, 50 rods
Engineering: 200 iron, 100 rods
Science Maintenance: 50 iron
Engineering: 100 iron, 100 rods
Atmospherics: 150 iron, 50 rods
EVA: 50 iron, 50 rods
AI sat: 150 iron
R&D: 100 iron
Robotics: 250 iron
Chemistry plumbing: 100 iron
Nanites: 50 iron
Aux base: 100 iron, 50 rods
Iron can be found everywhere! Engineering typically needs 300+ iron if they are doing repairs, but these repairs take late into the game making those resources stationary and ideal for the picking! But you have resources all over the place! I learnt of locations to nick iron from myself from doing this list. For example Chemistry and Atmospherics has a ridiculous amount of iron for how much they actually need and use.
I will not update this guide and it is mostly to inform the people of the options they have. I understand people head to Robotics because they have the largest amount and are among the easiest to get a hold of. But there are many, many other places you can find iron too!
This guide is dedicated to @taylor the iron hoarder.