Huk Discord Warning Appeal

Discord ID: hukwastaken

Admin Discord ID: haliris (Possibly: crossedfall)

Ban Type: Warning

Ban Length: Warning

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 03.22.2024

Ban Reason: Rule 8 – Don’t advertise other servers here and don’t argue with staff when they tell you to knock it off. (2 Points.)

Appeal Reason: I did not know that playing other servers over the VC on bee was against the rules, especially as the crowd that formed was not organized, and simply appeared on a whim.
I also do not believe that I had argued extensively, in such a way to be the only person out of the entire group to be warned with a 2 point warning.
The Argument in question:

Is this considered arguing? Should I not approach issues like this?

Also, I very much should explain this with it’s full context.
I did not mean “We are pinging others/actively getting others to play shiptest” and instead “Others asked if they could join us playing shiptest, we agreed.”, at least I, who was warned, did not ping others for this purpose, and I am not responsible for the actions of others. I am sorry I did not clarify this when I had said it.

It is also unclear to me how exactly Rule 8 is enforced? When exactly is something considered Advertising? Is saying something like “Go play X” or “Go try X” considered Advertising? What if it’s said in a jokey manner? Does it hold the same punishment? Is general opinions about something outside of Bee, or any references outside of Bee considered advertising? Is playing anything outside of Beestation in the Bee VC considered Advertising?

Additional Information: When Haliris joined the VC, the VC’s name/nickname was changed to I believe “Shiptest VC” or something along the lines, as far as I know, normal members of Beestation cannot modify the names of a Voice Channel, if it was part of the Warning and the reason why it was issued, do not hold me accountable, for I do not have power over such thing. This will also not repeat, but I do not agree with the severity of this warning.

May be a penut post. This is an awkward situation which is encouraging not just Huk, but others to using alternative servers. So this may have the unintended effect of pushing people away from Beestation Discord and the Beestation community as a whole.

I don’t know what you are implying, it was already named like that, in fact it’s what made us notice the whole affair.

They can.

After asking around, I was told that yes, that is the case, the “Voicecall Status” was changed, it was not done by me, there should be (albeit hard to access) discord logs on the server for whom did it.

Advertising other servers and encouraging people to outright leave is very disrespectful while having the “side effect” you are “fearing” here.

The Beestation discord server is a platform targetting the people interested in playing on Beestation and/or contributing to the project.

Just don’t do it.


The status isn’t the issue, it’s the advertising and just straight up using beestation channels to go play on other servers.
Just go set up your own groups or go on the server own discord groups/vcs?
How is that hard to understand?

See, this is how you get “argumentative” written in your warnings or notes.

Haliris, out of the entire group, I was the only one that was given a warning, if it truely was argumentative, was the argument worth 2 points?


It is useful to note here that you were warned by Crossedfall, not haliris. With this, I’ll be closing this awaiting Crossed’s response.

I already gave Anxiety/Blueue a verbal warning for the same thing prior to this event. After the fact, you were the only one I could see doing it. I can’t warn people for something if I don’t directly know that they’re doing it. Given that you all seem to be part of the same group, warning you is enough to get the point across to the rest of them.

I’m elated that you all enjoy another server and have fun playing as a group. Honestly. However, it’s inappropriate to use one community server as a launch-board for competing platforms. I wouldn’t want you to organize play sessions for Bee in the ShipTest server just as I wouldn’t want you doing the inverse here. It’s just disrespectful.

As for the argumentative nature of things, that could just be interpreted tone. I perceived you as being incredibly rude on-top of already being quite disrespectful towards the project and our community. I’ll take your clarification at face value and reduce the point to 1.

Is it obvious it’s a joke? Or are you leaving a lot up to interpretation? Like if you’re very very clearly making a joke, no, you wouldn’t be warned. But I wouldn’t recommend testing over text because inflection and tone are completely lost. You’re reliant on the other person understanding your intent.

No. That should be clear based on general discussion that happen pretty regularly. We don’t care about general discussions or topics about the pros/cons of other servers. That sort of discourse is usually fairly healthy. It passes the line when you’re using the main channels as a means to organize play on and metacom for different servers.

When you’re editing the channel topic (which is something anyone can do) to say something like, “Shiptest Chads” while in the relating text channel you’re openly telling an admin that you’re pushing others to try it out (in the VC), yeah. It’s considered advertising.

If you’re in the VC and playing something in the background but aren’t actively talking about it or driving others to join you, no- it’s not considered advertising.

If nobody can tell you’re playing on another server, it’s not a problem. If you’re making a point to make it known that you’re playing elsewhere, especially with the intent on getting others to join you, yeah- it’s advertising.

This appeal is denied in part and accepted in part. I will mark it as denied since I’m not removing the warning entirely.

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