How to Security Officer v2 (Fundamentals in Harmbatoning 101) - now SOP-friendly

Since my old guide is obsolete on account of the various rules and mechanics changes here’s the updated version.

Why you should listen to this guide:
I’m currently the highest playtime Security Officer as far as I’m aware.

This guide is aimed at teaching you the fundamentals of Security work. Other guides may go into more depth in certain areas, or are more comprehensive, etc., but this guide will detail the core information you should know before taking on higher responsibility roles such as Warden.

More on what this guide is not:

  • How to deal with every antag type
  • How to be a good HOS, Warden, Detective, Deputy or Brig Physician
  • How to deal with each type of crime

If you’ve never played any job in the department then this guide might not be the best starting point. Brig Physician, Deputy and Detective all don’t require arresting or managing criminals and are instead easier roles that don’t require the same understanding of Space Law or combat skill. Play those for a few shifts if they appeal to you to get used to the Brig environment, the mentality of being a member of Security, interactions with colleagues and crewmembers, etc.

If the Security Officer job appeals to you, or Warden/Head of Security/Captain then read on.

1) Gearing Up

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Gas mask on, epipen in boots, emergency oxygen tank in right pocket, flash in left pocket, handcuffs in bag (optionally in internals box), turn on the stun baton in your backpack.

Go to the gear room and find a full security locker, grab the secbelt, put the seclite on your disabler and turn it on, and wear the secHUD sunglasses. Move the spare flash in the belt to your bag (optionally your internals box), then turn on your second stun baton and put them both in your belt where they take up less bag space. Close your damn locker and alt-click it to lock it.

Security Vendor

Grab another seclite from the vendor to put on your helmet and turn that on too (unless you prefer berets).

Also grab at least one extra pair of cuffs, one energy bola and two donuts. You’re probably a bit hungry now so have one, save the rest for mid-patrol when you feel peckish from the constant running around and you’re on the other side of the station from the kitchen.

2) Consider A Promotion (optional)

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Whilst this is not part of your written SOP you should also consider getting a promotion to Warden or Head of Security if these positions are absent and you have the inclination or experience.

This is because ultimately Security’s IC reason for existence is to keep the crew safe and healthy in order for them to do their jobs. Aligned with that is these two jobs have a greater ability to keep the crew safe thanks to increased access and they also have responsibility over items which if left unguarded can be very hazardous to the crew.

For example you may reasonably feel irresponsible that the HoS’ nuke disk pinpointer is not held by anyone, endangering the entire station if the Captain were to be abducted. Likewise it may feel like odd prioritisation patrolling small sections of the station instead of utilising the Warden’s camera console to quickly check large portions of the station, whilst keeping an eye on the crews’ health via sensors too and the Armory in walking distance.

Again, getting a promotion is not strictly part of your SOP but it is a common reasonable IC motivation in order to keep the crew as safe as possible, and the station always needs more people willing to take on higher responsibility roles.

3) Patrolling

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Patrolling Basics

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Once that’s done proceed to your department if you’re assigned one and scout it out as well as the nearby maint tunnels. Leave any lockers and crates you spot open, they’re common places to stash corpses and contraband.

If there’s maint rooms which are missing an airlock when they shouldn’t be then tap on the walls with your bare hand to ascertain if there’s a false wall. You can use the map link in the sidebar or visit the webmap site directly to find out the current station’s floor plan. If you can’t locate it then have yourself or another deconstruct the wall so you can properly inspect it.

If you’re assigned to a department you should aim to spend the majority of the time there and nearby maint, assuming there’s a full roster of the security team including ~7 Officers. Other Security can patrol public areas, maint, other departments etc but only you have full access to your department. Keep a close eye on it. Depending on the station and department you may have access to a camera console and additional department-specific ones, utilise them regularly if they exist.

NEVER WALK WITH YOUR WEAPONS OUT. Drill this into your brain. It’s the number 1 biggest mistake newb seccies make. All it takes is a single shove or slip then your weapon is gone. Keep your shit holstered until the very nanosecond you need to use it, and holster it again if your chase ends up longer than a few seconds until you can get in good range/angle to attack again.

Keep your belt open at all times so you can quick-draw your weapons if needed. Patrol with a partner if possible, as they can help if you get ambushed or at the very least escape and call for backup.

Identifying Criminals

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Unlike many other servers, following Space Law is a server rule without much leeway unless it’s justifiable IC, so you need to familiarise yourself with it well as egregious violations could get you role banned from Security or even server banned.

Familiarise yourself with it. Live it. Breathe it. Act on it. As long as you follow it you’ll never be shitsec. The wiki page covers comprehensively what is a crime and what isn’t, so you’ll know what and how to act.

A good tip for identifying criminals is to examine people regularly (shift + left-click) and inspect at what they’re wearing. Are they wearing any gear that is incongruent with their job? Are they blood-stained or smelly? Are they wearing a gas mask or face-concealing helmet? Are they wearing an ID that doesn’t belong to them, or no ID at all, or an ID which shouldn’t have access to this area?

All these things may point to a criminal. If it’s code green you may only search only when there’s reasonable evidence/suspicion that they have done a crime, on code blue feel free to do random searches whenever you feel like it (however you must first give them a chance to comply), and on code red you should be regularly doing random searches if the threat may be a disguised crewmember.

If they’re stationary then use the arresting method detailed in the next section. If they’re fleeing then use shift + middle-click to repeatedly point at them and use the HALT action button of your sec mask to signal them to stop, then you can proceed to arrest them.

4) Arresting

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The procedure for arresting will depend on what the station alert level is, which can be code green, blue, red or delta. You can check the colour of the lights on fire alarm buttons to quickly identify the current alert level, or ask the AI.


(click to expand) If they're stationary then examine them and set their criminal status to Arrest (on secHUDs gives them a red W symbol for Wanted). This way if they flee then a silicon or Security member can quickly identify them again so they can be re-arrested. If you're chasing them you'll only be able to examine them, and have to later scroll back up the chat log to the [Set Arrest Status] link and set their status if you've lost them or once they're finally stationary.

If they are fleeing you can only incapacitate them if they pose an immediate threat, on code blue you may use lethal force if they are suspects of a Major crime or greater, and on code red you may use lethal force as long as you can justify it to your superior after the crisis ends.

At the time of arrest you must provide them with the reason why they’re being detained. You can just say the name of the crime and give a full explanation for it back at the Brig, which is usually recommended in cases where there are bystanders you feel may attack you. Tell them you need to detain them as they’re suspected of committing [crime name], handcuff them and pull them so you can be sure that they’re not going to flee.

If you’re forced to incapacitate them then generally speaking you should use the stun baton as it’s quick and accurate - three hits to the head or chest, then handcuff them. But if you’re more experienced then use a flash if you’re certain they’re not wearing sunglasses, because it saves the charge on your baton and you still have just enough time to handcuff them. Or use just two hits of your baton if you’re quick, or a few shots of your disabler. Disabler should also be favoured if you have reason to suspect that they are deadly in close range e.g. sleepy pen, double-edged energy sword, checking if they have the Sleeping Carp martial art, etc.

Keep in mind that stamina damage is constantly healing from the moment they take damage, so it’s better to be safe than sorry and deal out maximum damage so you have enough time to handcuff. A common combo is also flash for the initial short stun, then follow-up with a baton.

Set them to Arrest status now if they couldn’t do it earlier due to chasing them. Next, take them to the appropriate place. If this is just a random search, then handcuffs are not necessary and you can take them to the nearest sec post or you may have to take them to the Brig Holding Cell if you don’t have access to any nearby departments to use their sec post.

If you’re more experienced then conducting a search to the side of more public areas is fine, if you’re sure you can quickly enough check their belongings and nobody is likely to steal them. If they’re wanted for a crime then they’re instead handcuffed and you take them to a Brig cell.


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Before entering the Brig cell set the cell timer for crime committed. This can be later adjusted depending on what you found during your search. In a Brig cell or sec post open the prisoner locker, maneuvre stand ontop of it and strip them of everything except their uniform. The Space Law wiki page describes thoroughly the rest of the Brig procedure steps.

Notably make sure to thoroughly search their belongings if you have reason to. On Bee exosuits and boots can hold two small items each, so use alt-click on them to check for any hidden items. Search their internals box. Examine their headset to check they have the appropriate radio encryption key for their department. Inspect their PDA for messages and illicit cartridges. Hold their ID and try to use it on the cell door to see if it has Brig cell access on it when it shouldn’t have. Inspect any other items if you have reason to suspect that they’re not what they seem.

If they’re clean of contraband and the search proves any other accusations were wrong then update their criminal status to Discharged and add a comment on their record with some more info e.g. “Randomly searched because they were hanging around Science maint, they were clean”, then uncuff them. If your search does implicate them in a crime however or they’re already implicated, then proceed to Brigging section.


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Examine them then click [View Record] and see if the Warden has already noted their crime. Update their record if there’s insufficient info, or your search changed the circumstances or discovered additional crimes. Click [Add Record], for the name of the crime use the Space Law title e.g. Major Trespass, Vandalism, etc. Then for the description write out a fuller description of what actually happened.

If there’s any contraband, items they shouldn’t have (e.g. weapons, department-specific items etc) or items which were used in the crime (e.g. tools and insulated gloves for breaking and entering, sunglasses for resisting arrest, etc) then confiscate those. If there’s many items to confiscate then whilst they’re buckled to the bed fetch an evidence locker, drag it over to the cell then pick up the items and dropping them into the evidence locker below you. Make sure to flash the criminal to interrupt any unbuckling attempt, drag back the evidence locker and return to the cell.

Note if you find any traitor items, weaponry or high value items like Command IDs then give these to the Warden instead so they can put it in the Armory contraband locker. This is partially because Lawyers and Detectives also have access to evidence lockers, and they’re not mindshielded so it’s unsafe to keep these risky items in easy reach of civilians.

Follow the rest of the wiki Brig procedures for finalising the arrest.


There’s a fair amount to know even for the fundamentals but this should cover most of the basics you need to know to be an effective Security Officer. Virtually all other Security guides are outdated in terms of respecting SOP and Space Law, but if you know them well then there is much to be learnt from Security veterans who wrote older guides such as Pretzel, WindowsErrors, etc.

I see you got traumatized last time about the brig procedure :laughing:. A decent, albeit small introduction to security. I will say it’s fine for you to set the timer after you process them as long as you reduce the sentence time by about ~1-2 minutes depending on your search time.

When it comes to gearing up you don’t need to follow their exact steps. It is important to keep things consistent more then anything.

The more I think about it the more I realize how much there is to be said so I will just add some random tips.

  • Good place to upgrade camera with xray and watch are the dorms. People feel safe here.
  • On blue search people coming out of dorms or maints. Everyone who asks for it gets maints access so all traitors will have it.
  • The disabler is a water gun. Don’t rely on it.
  • Run away. If you are not sure you can win then run away. This is one of the hardest lessons to learn.
  • Don’t try and arrest someone too deep into a department if you lack access. The AI is usually very slow to help if at all.
  • If there is a breach don’t try to arrest if you don’t have proper gear or space adapt. I mean you should try, but know when to give up.
  • Tracking implant every criminal.
  • You should eat about, but, no more then 4 doughnuts round start to be fed for a long time. MAKE SURE not to over eat or you will be fat and therefore slow and speed is everything in combat.
  • You will be killed in an completely unfair fight. Don’t despair.
  • The shotgun is your best friend. It’s immune to EMP. You can saw it off so it can fit in your bag and then you can also carry an laser. The moment blue alert is declared go cry to get it. An unarmed officer is a dead officer.
  • Get the forensic scanner when available. Bad men leave all kinds of evidence and this might allow you to find then and get the jump on them.
  • Two officers are MUCH more better then one. Always have a buddy if you can.
  • Learn to differentiate between petty crimes that rather the bad men crimes. If someone breaks into a security locker that is a bad man crime and the person should be set to monitor rather then something else after you arrest them.
  • Follow orders and sticky together. If you don’t have any ask for some and then do them. If HoS says to stay with them then stay with them.
  • Don’t trust the detective.
  • Just so much more to learn. You really have to get your teeth kicked in there is no other way. It’s the most difficult and rewarding job.
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Good tips. I was intentionally trying to keep the guide to just the essentials because there’s already so much to read in terms of the guide, SOPs and Space Law itself, but more tips are always welcome for people who want to learn.

Yup, always better to retreat to come back with backup and Armory weaponry if you’re outmatched.

Also bring a box of tools if you have time. It’s very commonplace you’ll get stuck in a room and have to break out yourself because nobody is responding on comms.

I think that’s a waste, but for people arresting for Major crimes or greater then definitely. Or if you suspect they may have done a Major crime but haven’t got evidence for it.

Yeah so many antags can completely counter energy weapons it’s always worth asking for ballistics instead when you can. Also ask the Warden/HoS to order additional shotguns/autorifles if the department is full today.

Valid man must hangout in dorms and maints so they are always suspect (you know people hangout in dorms [not erp] and maints for other reasons right? Not just to use an uplink or drag a corpse. People might be exploring maint rooms or going ssd for a bit in dorms)

Reminds me of the shotgun copypasta. If you dont know what it is type ?shotgun on the discord.

Why not trust det? I get it if hes acting shifty but just because there is a small chance he is bad doesn’t mean he has to be disregarded.

There is a big difference between valid man and man who is just getting a costume or going SSD. I think people should be aware. If they use this or not is up to them. Same applies to maints. Most jobs don’t have a reason to be in maints. I don’t spend every round harassing people at dorms but in my experience a xray cam here is a great way to catch people.

My man thinks I don’t know about the shotgun copypasta. I’ll do you one better. Here is the original post.

Regarding the detective indeed it’s just paranoia. I just wanted to say if they start acting weird to be more attentive. I don’t mean never trust the detective ever under any circumstances.

I used the shotgun. You know why? Cause the shot gun doesn’t miss: and unlike the shitty taser it stops a criminal in their tracks in two hits. Bang: bang: and they’re fucking done. I use four shots just to make damn sure. Because: once again: I’m not there to coddle a buncha criminal scum sucking *******: I’m there to 1) Survive the fucking round. 2) Guard the armory. So you can absolutely get fucked. If I get unbanned: which I won’t: you can guarantee I will continue to use the shotgun to apprehend criminals. Because it’s quick: clean and effective as fuck. Why in the seven hells would I fuck around with the disabler shots: which take half a clip just to bring someone down: or with the tazer bolts which are slow as balls: impossible to aim and do about next to jack shit: fuck all. The shotgun is the superior law enforcement weapon. Because it stops crime. And it stops crime by reducing the number of criminals roaming the fucking halls.


Something that even veteran seccies forget is Severe Personal Risk.

It comes in many different forms,
be it fighting an antag in space, a plasmaflood, getting jumped by 5 lings in maints or walking alone into medbay shift start on a rev round.
If you are new to security, always call for backup. Hell, even if you think you are good enough still call for backup because you can fuck up.

But let’s say you did more than a couple of hours as a seccie and you call yourself “robust enough”, good for you and now you need to learn how to calculate risk.
Antags and their tools & methods come in different forms so you should listen to the common/sec radio to get an idea of what you are facing.

Are you facing a martial artist on meth all by yourself without any equipment to counter their abilities? Call for backup and try keep your distance.

Are you facing a miner with a PKA in space and the HOS/warden are too incompetent to give you an appropriate gun? Do not engage without proper equipment - the PKA really hurts in space and you need a ranged gun or even two and even a jetpack to combat that

Are people screaming about flashing or revs on the radio and it’s still green alert? Even if it’s not actually revs but a shitty clown joke - do not walk alone.
This is the time to pair up with a seccie or a head of a department and be super cautious until the situation is actually confirmed.

Cultists? Awesome! Half of the crew is on your side so you don’t really engage alone.
Learn to take cover and dodge bolas, one cult bola is enough to take you down and signal the cultists to swarm you in your most vulnerable state.
Cultists are weak without their bolas, find that sweet spot of timing to rush them without being caught by a bola.

AI is shocking doors and plasmaflooding brig?
Unless you somehow got all the right tools to survive, get the hell out of there - do not freeze and play dumb
Confirm if the door is actually bolted or just shocked, if it’s just shocked then throw your ID at the door to open it or just flush yourself in the trashbin to get to safety.

AI is actually malf? Great you and a few other lucky survivors get to take the fight to the AI sat!
Expect to be shot in the back by a 3rd party, because antags can team up or just use that situation to remove you.
Also expect to be blown up or burned by the AI and it’s borgs, it has a few methods.

Blob? Same deal as with malf AI, expect to be shot in the back. The whole crew is armed and a couple of them will probably try to skin you alive while you are recharging or patching up.

This last one is a bit more advanced and it’s called Command incompetence
Sadly there are many times when people in command are less experienced than you are and it will result in your death.

Captain/HOS/Warden giving/returning contraband to a released prisoner? Alert the whole security team about this and be ready to arrest them

People are screaming about nukies(stealth ops/no war declaration) 5 minutes into the shift?
Unless it is actually confirmed or the “nukies” are actually murderboning everyone, do not let command open the armory for everyone.
It may just be a few syndicate shitters that teamed up and are attempting to spook the crew into giving out All Access and guns.

Cult? Blob? Revs? Same story, you need to actually confirm these things before arming up the crew.

Detective\Brig Phys\Lawyer got armory access from the hop? Immediately do a full search and have your HOS or/and Captain involved.
None of these jobs are mindshielded security members and should periodically be searched and double checked trust me at least one of them is an antag

Yes there are many situations but these are the ones I noticed other seccies fall the most.

And remember, security are actually the good guys


Me myself, come from another server that died years back but I likely had racked up something like 1500 hours on security. Mister victorpride, I have a few questions for a seccie of your caliber for this modern day and age where tg coders have changed everything because they can.

These blocking mechanics confuse an old brain like mine. I’ve noticed in several skirmishes with ninjas for example, I can’t seem to stunbaton them for shit, instant blocks. I’ve also run into this with martial artists who not only manage to block my stun baton hits but also avoid all ranged blows.

What is the preferred methodology for dealing with this? A brief skim of these new blocking mechanics seem to indicate attacking from behind is the way to go but that is virtually impossible since they can just click in a direction that puts a wall behind 'em.

Is there security gear that can allow me to abuse this mechanic for myself? The riot shield presumably but the few times ive had an opportunity to try it out it seems to not block very much - in the old days the riot shield just had an RNG chance of blocking ranged/melee hits.

Additionally, I have noticed that security guns have to be twohanded now (Disablers, eguns, etc.) What’s the point of this? I’ve noticed I can drop the offhand wield and hold something else. Am I shooting myself in the foot accuracy wise by doing this or something?

The new stun mechanics do me for a loop as well. used to be a single taser shot or stun baton hit and they were out for the count, but it seems that stunning people is more nuanced now and oftentimes they’re on the ground but still able to crawl around and wield/use items. Flashes are the only hard stun now, apparently?

Directional blocking is actually a BeeStation-exclusive mechanic, here’s the wiki section for it.

Energy Katana has block level 1 when running, so you just need to attack diagonally rather than directly head-on. If they’re walking then they have block level 2 and you’re forced to attack from their side, but to be honest Space Ninjas are so deadly vs melee and energy weapons you should be retreat to grab a ballistic anyway. No martial arts offer directional blocking to my knowledge.

Most of these items only have block level 1 whilst running so you can just attack diagonally instead of head-on, and very rarely will someone activate walk mode for increased blocking to be honest.

Blocking isn’t infinite however, it’ll deal stamina damage to the blocking limb every time they successfully block and after a certain amount of damage their block will be broken, so you can just overpower them with continued melee strikes as well.

My preference though? Using ranged weapons or falling back to get backup if you find yourself in a longer engagement with someone who’s skilled and prepared enough to block you well.

If you search for block_level in the code you can find a number of items, the ones you’ll run into most often are Riot Shield, Wooden Buckler, Officer’s Sabre, Energy Sword and Eldritch Longsword. Remember to toggle walk mode to increase the block level. Though I’m using Riot Shield a lot less than previously due to the following change:

It was a rebalance which makes it so that most guns need to be wielded in order to have decent accuracy. You can shift-click to examine guns and find out whether they need to wielded or search the code for the var for this is spread_unwielded.

Generally the higher the weight of the gun, the worse the spread/accuracy will be if one-handed. It needs some rebalancing in my opinion, like Disablers look like a one-handed weapon already so I don’t see why it deserves such inaccuracy. Test the guns yourself at the Brig shooting range and see for yourself, but I find Disablers pretty unreliable unless you wield them now.

Stamina is constantly regenerating now from the moment damage is dealt, so you’ll need to use 3 hits to the chest or head for a reliably long enough stamcrit that you can cuff the downed individual. People in stamcrit aren’t able to crawl, nor use items in hand, but in some cases are still able to put items in-hand and not drop them. You might have accidentally used a baton on their legs instead, on /tg/ I don’t think batons can be aimed at limbs.

Flashes are an instant (but short) stun so are a decent initiator in combat, but usually aren’t long enough to cuff so they’re best followed up by stamina weapons. They also use up charges (examine the flash to check the amount left, they can be replaced using tools and a printed flashbulbs.

Hope this answers your questions, there has indeed been quite a few combat changes now looking back on it.

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are you bad at videogames? ctrl+shift+middlemouse someone point at them, if your holding a gun you start pointing, congrats aslong as you have line of sight you effectively have an aimbot now

Wait what? What do you mean I start pointing? You mean it auto locks on then? You are fucking with me?

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It’s le funi NSV port. You can point with a gun to order someone to surrender, or shoot with a lockon. Altough in my limited experience with NSV sec, it is only peactical for low fire rate weapons (any manual action).

it’s shift-middlemouse, i don’t think the control is required


You can shot with a lock-on once. It’s not exactly a aimbot. It’s more an RP tool.

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One tip I picked up from /vg/station is that you should always open with a flash, because if they disarm your flash they can’t hurt you with it - you have shades. If you approach with a baton, and get disarmed, you are already fucked because they now have batong.

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