How to disarm a live grenade

This guide will teach you how to easily disarm a live grenade before it explodes in your face. Normally your options are to run or throw back, but no more. With this simple trick you will fear hellmix no longer.

Step 1 is to get an MK1 ripley with a plasma cutter and decent battery.

Step 2 is to go to lavaland and go all the way up, then clear the top 3-4 tiles near the lava lake on top of the map of all rocks and debris.

Step 3, make 2 loops you can go around on both sides of this path you cleared out.

Step 4, go to the actual top of the map and open the legion door. Make sure you have an open GPS in your pocket because it works even in the mech and will show you its true location (bugged sprites). Lure the legion just below the bridge to the path you made.

Step 5, with the legion about 80% of a screen away, keep running on the path you cleared while shooting it with your mech plasma cutter. It will die eventually. Keep looping then running hte other way on the edges.

Step 6, open the legion chest with a key from all the points you get for the ores you mined doing this. If you get the reset crystal rejoice, otherwise if the crystal does anything else, return to step 1 next round. The reset crystal pops on a nearby tile when interacted with. This pop resets items to their original state.

Step 7, when someone throws a grenade at you, reset it with the crystal, because its original state is unprimed, it will be disarmed.

Thanks for reading.

Alternatively if it’s a flashbang grenade specifically, engineering hardsuits seem to block it when the visor is up, so play engineer like a true powergamer. :sunglasses:

my one weakness… the reset crystal…
But does it work on black powder’d beakers?

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all containers that arent inherently full get emptied

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Idk this sounds too accessible and I think we should remove this interaction to preserve the integrity and usefulness of grenades. Imagine putting all that work into grenades just for some miner to render them all worthless.