Unlike Blood Cult I don’t claim to be an expert of Clock Cult, but I do know enough to write some basic tips to get you started and hopefully others will add their own tips to this discussion.
Assorted tips:
- Cults always work best when they either go completely stealth or blitz the station. If you declare war you better know exactly what you’re doing.
- You have a chameleon jumpsuit if you’re a roundstart cultist, so use it. Disguise yourself quickly and consider each getting jobs in different departments to be able to abduct people faster. Or just use your toolbelt and break into everywhere.
- Use your clockwork slab to make a pile of slabs in Reebe for any new converts to pick up.
- Keep a spare clockwork slab on you in addition to your primary incase you lose it.
- Keep a few integration cogs on you at all times so you can quickly cog several APCs in a row.
- How to cog: Create cog with slab -> use cog on APC once to open it -> use cog on APC a second time to stick it in the APC.
- Place mindshielded people over a Vitality Matrix. It’ll deal toxin damage and soon dust them, which adds to the power of the Matrix so that it heals any Servant of Ratvar who stands on it.
- Materials and research are needed for most departments late-game tech, which can be sabotaged in many ways (converting the staff, destroying the core ore silo or RnD servers, destroying mining shuttle consoles or RnD consoles etc).
- Weapons can be found at and gotten at various departments including Security, Cargo, Robotics, Toxins, Genetics etc so steal or hinder them.
- You need power so make sure the Supermatter stays running well also.
- When the defence phase starts, use the Clockwork Armaments spell to outfit yourself with armour and a spear. Armour is good and has no slowdown, and the spear stuns if you hit someone with it when thrown. Use them to robust the invaders.
I don’t know much about traps, structures and sigils especially so it would be good from others about using them also, and I’ll update this guide with more info over time.