How do i avoid last second traitor syndrome?

The most optimal way to complete your objectives is to wait last second during the departures but this doesn’t make for a fun round. How do i break free of doing my objectives last second?

Do a gimmick instead of focusing on objectives then


Chaos is a ladder, the more a round will go on the more chaos will happen whether you are responsible for it happening or not.

Use this chaos to both have fun and, if you wanna follow your objectives, accomplish them

Well, I think the number one problem is a focus on objectives, as Dhytjfgfbnv or however the fuck you spell it said. Traitor is not a laundry list of things you’re obligated to do, and anyone who says it is can best be described as “lying.”

Traitor is a free pass to go “fuck it, we ball” and ball all over the entire station. You know that main character syndrome everyone keeps saying everyone else has? Traitor is an excuse to indulge it. You, for that round, become the main character. You’re the star of the show now baby!

There are two rules you gotta follow as a traitor

  1. Thou shall not kill everyone for no reason
  2. Thou shall not have sex

Beyond that, the sky’s the limit!

Wanna poison the chef’s food and open a rival restaurant to profit? Go ahead! Want to roleplay as amazon and deliver living, angry slimes to people? The right is yours! Wanna kidnap a member of security and slowly deconstruct them limb by limb, organ by organ, while broadcasting their screams to the station from a shuttle parked just outside?

That’s a questionable want, but I guess you could.

Ride the winds of desire, smite anyone who dares slight you, indulge in blood and violence and chaos. Get an idea, and test it live! If it doesn’t work, improvise!

And if you’re ever out of ideas on who or what to fuck with… your objectives have you covered. That’s what they’re for.

Don’t just kill that person, drag them into a game show! Frame them for murder! Watch the life drain from their eyes as you finally, mercifully remove their heart from their chest and put an end to the suffering you put them through for no reason but your own entertainment!

Don’t just bomb that department, claim you’re searching for a space-roach infestation and rip the covers off all their machines! Claim they’ll need “fumigation” and open a plasma can! Emag and weld all the doors ahead of time, use your teleporter to blip away, and watch them run like rats clawing at the bars of their rapidly heating cage! Watch them burn!

Maybe this got a bit out of hand. That’s what traitor rounds are supposed to do. Chaos is a ladder, as DatFrostys said. Seize it with both hands, and climb.


I tend to balance the game myself, if there are 5+ traitors and no security or command to deal with them then I won’t do much other than the last second bare minimum.

However, if I am free to do something interesting. Then I tend to walk around and mildly stalking objective or those close to them whatever it may be. Look around for inspiration on how to tackle the objective.

Sometimes I try to think of a motive to my actions. One round I implanted an emagged toolset and bought an Esword and basically challenged the Chaplain to a duel. I managed to win just barely and then put them in an MMI and left it on my table in plain view to the hallway and then continued on from there. Was the Chaplain my target? I don’t remember, maybe? I just hate Chaplain. lol

Regardless of objectives always hack the AI just so you can fuck everyone around.

Ah, Time classic old Relaw the silicons, It’s a fun one.

My recommendation? Don’t get tunneled vision on your objectives They are more or less suggestions.

Got to steal something? Come up with something silly like the Voice changing mask and a paper ID Name yourself as the room’s Hobo and break in and make yourself at home.

Got to Kill someone? Well, Follow them, Stick to them, Be noisy and Creep them out before finishing the deed.


Last minute traitor objectives has actually become a pretty big problem with the gamemode, and I am attempting to address it by introducing some new changes to traitors. It won’t stop people from acting at the last second, but it will make it so traitors are more likely to stir up drama hopefully.


Personally, I enjoy the sneaky tone to it and trying to blend in as if you’re an actual infiltrator and using the tools you’ve been provided by your employee against them. Like a chemist making grenades and poison, robotics making combat mechs and so on.

I think a reason some players might be discouraged to do a gimmick is because rules somewhat imply you need to ahelp for it.

Though I’m sure not committing murderbone or “extreme” roleplay would generally allow traitors to do gimmicks without having to ask, I just think this might be a reason some players get last second traitor syndrome.

Hey there, thats an interesting thing to point out on the rules there, but i assure you that ignoring your objectives to pursue something that is more overall fun for the crew is not a problem, heck most of the time i get kill objectives i never actually do them because im too busy messing around with other stuff (since i mostly play low/deadpop)

To my awareness, you are perfectly allowed to ignore objectives and pursue a fun gimmick instead, although if you wanted your official objectives changed, you can ahelp and ask for that. And assuming you have DAGD your range of things you are allowed to do are massively increased. Perhaps create a glorious syndi singulo and be the first one to enter it, or forget you even had a murderbone pass and end up leaving on the shuttle peacefully like everyone else then continue to cry silently

In general though, if you are unsure if what you’re about to do is against the rules, its always best to shoot an ahelp asking about it first

Are you a lawyer in real life?

Try to have an idea in mind, if it fails, you can always try again on your next roll. Even more railroaded antagonists, like cults and heretic, have an opportunity to be more than last minute killing machines. Peeaching in the streets about your god, open your antique store as Heretic, or make 5 assistants look exactly like your assassination target before moving in to replace them. You don’t have to hide yourself, you should make the most of what your tools allow.

Aligote, you know I love you man, but you have to be the only person who is this worried about the rules.

Just… Play in good faith and have fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Usually admins have to bug people to please read he rules, in this case, we are begging you to stop reading the rules and worrying so much about them lmao.

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You heard them it’s time to turn the Fland hallways into the Fland arena

I hope people don’t get the wrong impression. I’m just adding what I think other players may feel using my own experience.

Let me give you an example of a syndie round I had ages ago and what I realised I should have done:

Syndie Engineer, no CE. Steal BLueprints and AI. I met up with another traitor who had “become an AI”. I emagged the blueprints, made him and AI and “stole” him. Hid for the rest of the round while other traitor messed with crew.

I SHOULD have done is become CE, helped create an AI Council and hacked all the AI’s (Someone started an AI Council gimmick) Asked for the Sith Crate. Used an Emergancy to declare myself the Overlord of the Station, backed by the AI Council and had a face off with the rest of Command.

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