Heretic isn't fit for bee anymore

The last month or so Ive had a streak of heretic round rolls, both as the heretic and as HoS, and Ive noticed that its not really enjoyable for either side in a large majority of cases. Most of the time as heretic you’re trying to game the other party and or rush knowledge to have a chance at ascending, or as sec try and find the heretic as fast as possible, often disregarding RP, so youll have a chance to stop them before they become a murderbone machine.
Both of these I find to be very anti-Bee and anti-RP.

To start with, heretic is a very luck and time based antag. To progress as a heretic you need to unlock rituals to get your gamer gear, in which turn you need knowledge get the rituals. The main two ways of getting knowledge are sacrificing people and absorbing influences, both having pretty major problems of their own.

Sacrificing and getting sacrificed is almost never enjoyable, from the heretics perspective its often a gamble if you get easy targets or if you get a chemist who will refuse to leave their bastion of autism for any reason, a miner who has better gamer gear than youll ever have, john metasuspicious and an explorer that was a total of 2 minutes on the station the whole round. From the sacrificee’s perspective it isnt much better, you’re lucky to have a heretic trick you into a good gimmick, but most of the cases youll get a green hand down your throat and a sickel up your ass, then you are transported to do an extremely annoying minigame, before you are returned to the station 5 minutes later to some random unused room with cuffs on. Not to mention your pda exploding and losing your id if its a rust heretic.
I do not think sacrificing should be removed, its a core part of heretics after all, instead to deal the ability to reroll targets should be able to be researched way earlier to deal with the unlucky starting rolls. Though, the heretic hand minigame should be replaced with something shorter and something less infuriating, i do not know what, but anything other than what we currently have.

Influences are also a good sign of a bad round. Seeing one within 60 seconds of the round is going to give you the meta knowledge that theres an heretic onboard, of course as a crew member you dont know this and have to happily ignore the fact that a part of reality has broken apart in the corner of your eye. This has even gotten more extreme as bee has developed a culture of playing dumb with antags (which is not a bad thing imo), so absorbing it in public often doesn’t get you in any trubbel.
Now as a heretic influences often make or break your round, if you can get two or three of them within 20 minutes you’re pretty set for the rest of the round, this you often see heretics leaving their posts to comb the station for them, something I dont really find to be a staple of RP. If there are other heretics in the round (as it often is) you are now also competing for them, since only one heretic can get them at a time.

All of this together with an avg round being 1:45 hours long means that most heretics have to speedrun to achieve ascension, on top of this getting caught earlier than 30-45 minutes into the game will seriously fuck up a heretics round, since you will and loose all your and most likely face a 18 minute sentence (Dangerous contraband + resisting arrest) that will further promote a anti-RP and speedrunning playstyle.

Now heretics problems doesn’t stop there, one of the biggest problems with heretic is their four paths, since they are only as strong as what grasp and what ascension they have, since you can easily cross paths once you’ve selected one path.

For me this seems like a bug, but since no one has ever pointed it out and its like this on every other server with heretic it feels just like an odd choice. Making heretics stick to their paths abilitets would greatly decrease the amount of gamer heretics and encourage people to pick something else than rust.

Talking about rust, its the go to path for all gamers, because of its strong grasp. Being able to destroy any type of wall in just two hits is extremely powerful and together with their other heretic path abilities its just stupid.

I would also quickly want to mention ash, the path that is focused around fire not making you fireproof until ascension nor has any way to fireproof your clothing, which just ends up with you getting your stuff burnt off. I would replace the mask of madness (because its expensive to make and doesnt really provide anything useful) with some fireproof spell, then switch places with it and the ashen walk.

Finally, heretic is a stupid hard antag to play, it took me several rounds as a heretic until i managed to ascend for the first time. Bee being a new player friendly server i think its key that we make the heretic as straight forward as possible with what abilities you can unlock, instead of having to have the wiki open to see what you need to research for a specific thing.
The best way to go about this would be to have a focus tree style thing (much like the ones in h*i4), so you can actually see what you are about to unlock.

this became way longer than intended and i was slightly drunk writing most of this so it probably doesnt have that great cohesion, idk, i dont wanna read through it again


I’ve tried “RPing” as heretic (and by this I mean not trying to game and not seek objectives out and use heretic as a cool conversation starter) two time.

Once I was thrown in brig permanently for dissecting a corpse.

The other one I was selling heretic items and running a “defense against the dark arts” course. Sec would not leave my ass alone for one second.

I agree with you.
I don’t like playing as a heretic and I don’t like playing against one. It’s only fun when you see one running away in maints like a goblin


I agree with both of you, as a Security main Heretics remain at the top of my list of ‘‘least favorite antagonist players to engage against’’ i’d say one of my main issue with them is their spammable free out of jail card: Ashen Passage which makes chasing them really unfun and forces you to lethal them because even if they’re restrained they can constantly evade you until they’re safe and the game of cat and mouse starts again it’s just not fun when it’s done all the time every 10 or so seconds and you have no other option than to kill them.

There’s also an issue with some of the damage numbers and general kit like: they can get x-rays, healing on tiles/flasks, multiple blades(extra free out of jail cards) which once they’re empowered alongside their grasp they just decimate anyone wearing standard gear, the aforementioned ashen passage, void pull, the bleeding mechanic as a whole and last but not least… their armor and even if you manage to confiscate all of that and capture the heretic once they’re out of their cell they can just spend ten minutes grabbing organs and have the exact same kit and go unga-bunga on sec that’s barely recovering after half an hour of chasing.

Geatish mentioned some good points that cover all perspectives and i agree on them, i’ve had a lot of talks on pr-discussions about their balance that covers damage, their jaunt, cross pathing and more which gives them acces to a lot of powerful spells from other paths, so the more they progress, the more powerful they grow, that’s not necessarily wrong but i do see that there’s a lot of ups for them with very few downs, it’s an antag that rewards the '‘robust’ and punish the ‘‘newbies’’, because the ‘‘robust’’ will always pick the exact same meta(i wonder why) with the same cross-paths which gives them a big advantage in any combat scenario.

Lastly about the ‘‘RP’’ they bring, i’ve encountered many iterations of Gimmicks, like the classic ‘‘robe selling’’ which if an Officer enforces Space Law like they’re supposed to do, they will be required to confiscate every piece of them from the crew which brings me to one of my last issues:

The crew sometimes don’t act like they want to keep their job nor use common sense.

I’ve encountered MANY ocassions where the Heretics grab a random crewmember and says ‘‘Hey, go to sleep on this funny green circle, it’ll be fine!’’ Totally ignoring the individual whose face is covered by a bloody robe and they’ve helped with ascensions, so when Security goes to interrogate the Heretic in question(this happened a lot when new heretics got introduced) they would argue ‘‘everything was done on the chapel, i haven’t done anything wrong :)’’ and lo and behold, the moment they ascend they murderbone everyone, how fun!!! The same with accepting heretics clothes like they prefer to say ‘‘this is cool drip yo’’ and ignore the OBVIOUS blinking eye on the robe/collar/blade/etcetera and a lot of the time the players do not like to ‘‘snitch’’ on antags because they fear they ‘‘ruin’’ their antag round, thus encouraging ‘‘hugboxing’’ them, i obviously understand there’s different characters with different personalities but there’s ocassions where people act waaaay too obtuse and just hugbox the Heretic into ascension and that’s certainly immersion breaking and boring.

It’s no wonder PinkSuzuki had that experience where Security was at their throat, because we’ve seen those similar gimmicks a lot of times and we know that sooner or later the Heretic it’s gonna go unga bunga with their 300 knowledge-crosspath-spells and ascend, because when you give them a hand they take an arm, because that’s how they’re designed to work.

Recently i was observing a round where an Heretic covered themselves with stickers just so they would be able to walk with their gear and not be detected and that was the epitome of ‘‘Bruh really lmfao’’ and once they ascended, of course they killed everyone.

A lot of Heretic players, and the way its designed encourages a lot of ‘‘gaming’’ which lowers the RP possibilities due to multiple factors that i and Geatish have talked about.


I feel thats the progression and how heretic works is awefull. you have no idea how many heretics are in the round and to be able to do anything interesting you are forced to rush the influences to be able to do anything. if not you have just your grasp ( and lets not talk about how random and awfull the spawns sometimes can be for them)

Also i am unsure if it was geatish or morgan thats said it: but yeah no fire proofing for the fire heretic is bad. same with void , wow i dont need to breathe btu still take pressure damage. i think it should be the other way around here too.

i also feel thats the crosspathign should be limited and certain abilitys should be changed up to make them not unfun to go up again ( rust grasp,ash jaunt for example)

for me the main problem is also you have lots of tools but you dont have the freedom really to use them as you are up against a clock and most of the tools are most of the time just not worth it seeking out and using valuable knowledge points on it.

i also like the idea of the ritual of knowledge and the passive over time gaining of knowledge ( which helps with bad influences spawn or when multiple heretics are onboard)

to the crew and sec dynamics: its bad because of the aforementioned gamer heretics and thats annoys me greatly as security has to be brutal and ruthless or else you have a near unkillable murder machine soon, so there is no room for anyone to do a lighter or more relaxed heretic ( i still do it tho) as once a consumed influence is foudn blue alert is called and security is wary of everyone now which is not fun for any involved and once the heretic is found security will hunt you down forcing you to be able to escape them at all times and be on edge.
but for every antag there are people who just game so hard no matter the situation, escially on low pop.

For the go to sleep thing: i think this should be fail rp but i understand because soem peoepl dotn like killinjg beating soemone to crit so they might die in the mini game, but it is still bad.

I really like the theme of heretic witht he eldritch stuff and such but how it currently it is not so enjoyable to play with so changes needs to be made ( also seeing like 4+ heretics ina roudn is nto good so i woudl limit the number of max heretics based on pop)

Well said Fronsis!!

I find this very annoying, since OOC you are basically asking:
Hey friend, can you help me get some points, by playing this mini-game for me?

I currently convert all of my sacrifices into ghouls, so that their 10-15 minutes of boring Heretic jail game is not wasted for nothing, but they become a half-antag assisting the Heretic in reaching their goal. This also acts as a mini-blood cult gimmick, since conversions and all…

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Speaking of heretic aint blob worse at the LRP forcing people to become fighters and medics.
(prehaps update heretic once in a while as it is possible the newer versions can be better)

This is quite a bad thing. So many antagonists expect you to be fully cooperating when you have very obvious in-character signs to not be cooperative. “Let me into R&D to print stuff!”, “Let me research something!”, “Can I come inside?”, bitch why? Answer me that. Best one is a dude DRENCHED in blood with a chainsaw in their hands politely asking to enter Robotics. HELL NAW! I’ve mentioned this event several times and I will never forget it. Get yourself immersed and stop hugging too obvious antagonists. Are they offering you money or something else in exchange for something that might break SOP or seem otherwise stupid? Sure! Think it was Taylor who asked me to make him meth for some money, sure I guess.

A lot of the focus on the game for antagonists is to find gimmicks to do, but I think it is more important to be realistic and act in a way you could expect someone of your character to act. This isn’t just a problem restricted to antagonist interaction with the crew, but with the crew as a whole. You have Medical Doctors and Assistants doing the jobs of others on a daily basis with next to zero attempts to involve Engineers. Assistants who’s sole purpose is to not assist but to have zero responsibilities so they can mess around and do whatever they want. It’s peek sandbox mode. Most of the time, they don’t even involve the station, I love playing a bit of sandbox mode, but try to invite others to it and try to not step on the toes of others. Which assistants looooove to do by making the chef even more irrelevant than they already are.

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I knew i missed something in the pile if text.
Flesh heretic is often pretty underpowerd, since it relies so heavily on people taking ghost spawns. You literally can’t ascend without getting X number of minions, most of which you probably will need to force convert if no ghosts want / are able to become one.

Blob forces the crew to work together and they still have a fighting chance. Ascended heretic is just their free pass to kill everyone with next to zero chance of losing. Blobs can still lose and often do when the crew bands together. Doctors tending to the wounded, Assistants running in with a welder and a dream, Security cleaning out the armoury and firing all they can, Cargo ordering more guns, Scientists making weapon rechargers, engineering setting up emitters! Everyone can contribute and survive, it is a team effort. What is an Assistant to do against an ascended heretic? What of an Engineer? Hell, what is a Security Officer even supposed to do? Shoot at them? Pfff, that’s asking to die quickly.

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It’s not really what i ment, but i get your point here.
What i ment is that people ignore obvious sings of an ooc antag, like seeing a heretic with a strange medallion or book, something that is slightly out of the ordinary ic, but doesn’t invoke the need to mention it.

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at least with ascended heretic they can show some mercy and let people do their things unlike blob that just halt every RP and gimmick and force fighting till either round ends when blob wins or when blob dies shuttle is called 90% of the time.

Both are end gaming events, only difference is that Blob you still have a chance to overcome.

Indeed, most ascension heretics have no counter and are pretty much unkillable unless ?skillissue

Flesh heretic is impossible to kill once ascended unless A LOT of things fall into place for the crew, i can only count with one hand the heretics ascended i’ve killed with help of other seccies.

So 99% of the time you stay at their mercy if they want to murderbone or not.

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i would also say maybe making anything heretical a crime even if it is done in the chapel.

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bro this gotta be reportable


But I love harassing Chaplains for doing Religious stuff outside their Chapel!

no just heretics not chaplains ;3

Let me hate on Chaplains! Come on! They’re as annoying as Clowns.

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