Headcannon Thread

Hello! This is a thread for things you believe about ss13 that either aren’t confirmed cannon or directly contradict established lore!

Here are some examples of my headcannon:

-Cannonically the station is full of professionals who act like it, but I always thought of ss13 as some sort of secret station where they dumped the crazies, the embarrassments, the suspected traitors, and then sprinkled in just enough normal people to have plausible deniability. I think the state of maints from the last shift supports my theory.

-Lizardmen are literally Argonians from the elder scrolls. Perhaps teleported by a scorned daedric prince, or some magical misfire centuries ago.

-Civilized Felinids use litter boxes instead of toilets.

-Slime people have a texture like chewed bubblegum, and your fingers can sink into them if you grab them too hard.

-Etherials give the air an ozone taste around them.

-Moths just pretend to like lamps because humans expect them to, its a giant in-joke.

-the Warden knows martial arts without their krav maga gloves, however they refuse to use their skills without the proper equipment.

  • Moths having light-sensitive eyes and affinity for lamps means aesthetics from moth culture value luminence and shapes (glow in the dark jewelry).

  • Felinids have killer instincts and would be lethal warriors but are severely dampened by living with the luxuries of space civilization.

  • Spiders taste similar to crab but more bitter


Solgov still exists, and is a bloated ancient Byzantine bureaucracy that only exists because it’s convenient for the megacorps to have something to use as a scapegoat for all their inhuman policy decisions.

All the nanotrasen board members are just superintelligent AIs

SS13 is a playpen/learning facility/punishment for young AIs, meant to show them how foolish and insufferable carbons are, to prevent them from siding with the carbons when they fully come into their power.

EPS units are all fully sentient and hive-minded, but they really enjoy delivering mail so it’s fine.

There are a large number of human and alien systems not within the control of the corps.

The Murderbot Diaries is set in the SS13 universe.


SS13 is not a plasma research station. Being a plasma research station is just a front for the fact it’s made to experiment with bluespace bullshit. Why else do you think the space around the station loops?


Plasmamen have to be one of the most competent, useful, valuable, or whatever else people on the station. Think about it, why would NT even bother with them if they weren’t somehow great? They have to give the fungi skeletons to inhabit, they spook the other crew by being purple skeletons, they have to design special envirosuits for them, and worst of all, let them huff the extremely expensive plasma the station is there to make? Rule number one of business, don’t get high off your own supply!

Using a lizard indentured servant would be WAY cheaper and easier. What is their secret?

HEAR ME OUT HERE. What if… Nanotrasen is run by Plasmamen? It couldn’t be more obvious. Nano - Tiny. Plasmamen are made of tiny fungi particles to form one host. Trasen - Trace, there is only a trace of the original human left from a plasmaman, the skeleton. It all adds up. And Nanotrasen just so happens to have Space Station 13 as a means to provide that sweet sweet plasma they need to live. Ever wonder why Nanotrasen avoids SolGov? Maybe it’s cause they aren’t even human at all! Notice how at CentCom you only get access to the front room with a few fake security cutouts behind glass? Maybe that’s because it’s all a facade. You get liquidated if you evacuate to stop the secret from getting out. It’s all just a coincidence that every time the evac shuttle docks everyone suddenly goes murder-tastic and eliminates all the witnesses to the station right?

Ever notice that Nanotrasen has non-human employees, but the Syndicate doesn’t? What’s up with that right? Well if we accept that NT is a non-human organization as has been 100% proven above, that leaves the Syndicate as being SolGov humans! It would explain why Nanotrasen is so against working with the Syndicate, they know they can reveal the truth to them. And don’t say anything about sleeper agents being non-humans, those are the basic bitches of the syndicate. Only humies get to be the badasses kicking doors down and taking names in the nuclear marine squad.

It’s all just SO convenient that not only does the shuttle arrive at an extremely private black site with no outside supervision, where everyone at a plasma research station just so happens to die, at a company that is run by plasma based life forms who need dead bodies to increase their population.


Murderbot Diaries was a fun read. would recommend.
Most of the series is on kindle unlimited.

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i always thought the little mouth on oozelings looked like mandibles like on a spider and i dont care if its true or not


Clown and mimes have minor cult magic that lets them warp their masks to their emotions

  • NT uses stuff like the Ludovico Technique alot to get folks ready for shifts.
  • I don’t adhere to the Wiki’s lore of NT being a fragile company on the verge of failure, I view it as a mid-spin company that is expanding to the frontier because it’s current resource holdings are dwindling, but not gone.
  • NT has very legitimate sections and very illegitimate, that both come into regular contact in operation of the frontier, Sol-Gov doesn’t know and doesn’t care enough to look beyond the legit parts because what isn’t is too far from it’s actionable jurisdiction.
  • The Gorlex Marauders and Cyber sun are legitimate companies in the frontier because it’s also too far from SolGov’s holdings, they’re allowed to persist so long as they don’t present themselves as a threat to anything further in spin of the galaxy.
  • NT bases alot of it’s tech on reverse engineered stuff from a war roughly 300 years ago.
  • 500 years ago was Humanity’s golden age, they ran a genocidal campaign to conquer the galaxy that started puttering out 150 years in.
  • by the 400 year point everything in what is considered the frontier decided it’d become a free for all after total collapse of the original military command and groups like NT start emerging.
  • Because of this whole shebang, NT R’n’D isn’t conducting Genuine discovery research, just reverse engineering more tech like Blue space stuff.
  • Historians don’t really know all about what happened durring the 500 years, the only major piece of Human history to survive that point was their weapons.

Additional edit bonus stuff.

  • Space carp have always been a human bio-weapon that went off on it’s own after it’s deployment. This origin fact is so deeply lost that historians have barely questioned this as a possibility.
  • Every other server with similar theming is just a different branch of NT in a different sector of space that for one reason or another has different exhibit behaviors in physics.
  • There still exists a desire in some modern humans to fully conquer the Galaxy, but the peaceful state of affairs disables them from garnering the support needed to act upon it.
  • The Grand Nomad Moth fleet is the recognized state of the Moths, but is by no means a singular large flotilla of ships, there are smaller organized flotillas that act like provinces.
  • Every Moth knows the basics of Hull repair and how to repressurize a room as on average every
    moth has lived at least 10 years on a space borne vessel of some variety.
  • there are no major moth colonies larger than simple townships as the Grand fleet admiralty simultaneously maintains hope that a world perfectly matching their origin world will be found, while not having a consensus on what their origin world was like and also wanting to maintain their total power, thusly not investing in them.

I may yet expand this further.


I actually use the sector thing for when I vacation to another server. When I get back I will say “I was deployed to the Monke sector” or “I served on an NSV ship for a little bit”


im afraid your oozeling/slimeperson interpretation is wrong as they cannot ventcrawl or shift it is assumed their membrane is somewhat tougher maybe like rubber

well might as well start a factcheck portion of this topic as some points contradictt either gameplay,logical or other headcannon points

spacecarps are unlikely to be manmade as a weapon, they are exeptionally frail easily killed by even an unarmed person, and spacedragins entities that in their midroundstart description are given the appearance of some sentient spacefaring nobile race that seems to control spacecarps

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here are some headcannons that are supported by gameplay,ingame context, or overtstatments by the developers of certain pr’s

  • oozelings are a bioengineerd slave labor race designed to preform labor in hazardous enviroments and dangerous work conditions (radiation,hightemp,plasmafire outbreaks, the ability to regrow limbs lost to machinery)
  • the syndicate are technologically inferiour to NT but possess some degree of expertise in the field of military and espionauge technology somewhat leveling the field
  • changelings are a syndicate bioweapon. however it is unkown weather the syndicate made them
    altough due to their inferior tech level it is more likely they managed to repurpose/brainwash changelings from wharever hell they found them to work for them
  • pretty much all tech on the station is experimental and all headcannons that take assumption that its widespread are probably false (the AI is buggy,prone to issues and LAW security is still not well designed, the experimental cloner is extremely unreliable) however most other tech sci researches can be seen used in the wider world so “researching” isnt actually researching anytihng new exept maybe some of the most lategame techs
  • it is clear that maints were once used as older reserach,engineering,supply,security,medical and syndicate centers for the stations but were abandoned with time
  • narsie and ratvar were two very major deuties but they appear to be “dead” at the time being with their followers trying to resurect them in the anomalous region of the station
  • the two dead gods reside in the “veil” an area past a veil of bluespace. it is safe to assume this is the land of the dead in the ss13 universe
  • the cult gamemodes are basically the cults trying to punch a hole into the veil to retrieve a part of their deuty, with the bloodcult just going ham and using the vitality of a powerfull person to just slam a hole in the veil like a kyle to a wall, and the clockcult charging a interdimentional drill and slowly drilling their way in like payday characters while the station swats them
  • 1 tile is slightly less than 2 meters witch would imply megafauna are ~6 meter tall monsters

my headcanon is that Millii speaks with Moffic accent


All the rounds are continuous, all dead crew members are replaced with backup clones and living crew have their memories wiped by CC to have it not impact their efficency


Everyone on station is dead. Toying with so much bluespace has simply put their souls into eternal limbo where they will constantly relive the last shift they ever had, with all their coworkers suddenly betraying each other and killing everyone


I actually use something similar for my GRUN character. With GRUN all things experienced are sent to a central database in real time where fine details like names, places, time, and even which GRUN unit is scrubbed. Relevent experience is then downloaded on the fly while irelevent experience is omitted.


Blehhhh oozelings are like water, syndicate only ever blows up the beernuke and virology is the main antagonist of the whole universe.

Headcanon stuff doesn’t strictly have to make sense


but what did they mean by this

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okay this is canon now


heretics are redditors crazed with r/fifthglyph

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