Hangy wants to help seccies (BrotherHangyul Mentor Application)

That was a mistake but I was a captain; apart from leading the crew I have no real “objectives”. I admit what I did was wrong; Flakkyboo and I have accepted what I did was a mistake and he has shown forgiveness. That does not mean what I did was right, and I ensured I was punished accordingly.

This is fair: would you be as kind enough to point me to some engineering guides?

-1 Aside from low hours, you also have low playtime in a lot of departments and almost all of your playtime is focused on sec which is a department that doesn’t generally get mhelps (from my experience anyway). Get more hours and get a lot more hours in other departments first.

Just few I found:

But I suggest playing engineering and watching people do cool stuff. They often are eager to explain how it works and teach you the basics.

-1 for now, come back when you have more hours.0

-1 for now, very low hours

I recommend you come back when you can say yes to 80% of these questions

Do you know anything about modifying plants in botany?

Do you know how to make precursors to chef’s food (make dough/batter)

Do you know what most of the devices for atmos do and how they work?

Can you set up the SM/tesla/singulo/teg/solars?

Can you make a borg/mech without consulting the wiki for the steps?

Do you know anything about nanites?

Can you help someone if they ask about the tech that locks a certain item?

Do you know at least what each color of slime does (e.g dark purple = plasma, yellow = electricity/light)
and some basic crossbreeds?

Can you make a trit maxcap?

Do you know how to make a few chems out of your head (e.g acetone, ammonia etc)

also -999 for being a sec main

Denied at a -5. Try getting playtime in different departments other than sec.

-1, extremely low hours and no hours as engie. you should know basic shit like how to fix a station.

this is overkill stop

-1 get more hours bro…

I don’t have anything against you, and you’re usually pretty chill. But I have zero clue what you can and cannot do. And from my understanding of common mhelp questions. If you know NOTHING about engineering you’re not gonna get mentor.

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time to main engi i guess

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