Halinder Mentor Application

Your CKEY:

Your Discord:
Brandon Patrick #5409

How long have you been playing ss13?:
Not entirely sure. Furthest back that I can say for certain is 2015.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
No one, as far as I know.

Game Experience (More Detailed):

  • Antag Roles: I usually don’t play antag and things have changed significantly since I learned a lot of the old roles like bloodcult. I can say for certain I know plenty about malf and the midround roles (rev, blob, swarmer, sentient disease, etc)
  • Security: Most of the stuff here is just learning how to use equipment, like setting flashbang timers and using DRAGnets right.
  • Medical: Stuff like using synthflesh patches to reduce damage so people can be defibbed, doing wonderful things with surgery, cloning plasmamen, and producing chemicals. I’m not familiar with the new plumbing update and genetics is another one of those departments that changed a lot since when I learned it. Viro is still my jam.
  • Science: Upgrading machines, using R&D servers to generate more points, nanites, building mechs, not blowing yourself up in toxins, and a lot of the xenobio stuff. Some newer updates like crossbreeding and circuits are still fresh for me.
  • Engineering: Know pretty much everything there is to know about it aside from those antimatter reactors you can order from cargo. I never did figure those out.
  • Atmospherics: I know all the lovely mixes you can put into the supermatter to make it go horribly wrong (like nitrous oxide on high heat or carbon dioxide with no controls on energy). I’ve done fusion a few times, superheated scrubber networks to snuff out xenos, performed what was essentially dialysis on the distro loop after it had plasma+nitrous in it, that sort of thing. Some of the cheesier atmos strats still elude me.
  • Service: I’ve always had to rely on the guide to food and drinks, there’s just too many combos. I’m pretty familiar with botany and the nightmare fuel that is a plant bag full of combustible lemons.
  • Cargo: Pretty familiar. There’s, well, not really much to this department except putting valuable things in the shuttle (and sealing them in a crate so they actually count, unless y’all fixed that).
  • Mining: Not particularly good at killing megafauna and bosses but I know a fair bit about them as well as most of the mining tools like the crusher, lazarus, jaunter, etc.
  • Silicon: I love silicon. I can tell people pretty much all there is to know about them.

Plus a bunch of other details that aren’t really related to any department.

has been playing ss13 for 4 more years than me
put more effort into my mentor app than i did
i endorse

+1 he’s a silicon main so he has a slave fetish so he can easily help people :flushed:

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The only negative experience I’ve ever had with you has been regarding ashwalkers and I was overruled on the issue by more senior admins and the council both. Definitely knowledgeable enough to do a lot of good as a mentor.

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Has been around awhile and I know they’re knowledgeable enough to fulfill the duties.

  • 237 hours
  • only 1 note in 1 year (Use in-game panel not discord)
  • App shows effort

T: +7

Accepting at a total of +7.