Title: GuardainCZ banned by whyiscaeciliustaken
CKEY: GuardianCZ
Admin’s CKEY: whyiscaeciliustaken
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: All
Which server did the ban happen on? MRP
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Perma
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2021-01-28
Round ID: 26532
Ban Reason: As a security officer, stole the mime’s backpack and ID, smashed them over the head with their bottle, then locked them in a maint room they were incapable of leaving and left them. Did not respond to bwoink.
Appeal Reason: I am gonna start with that I wasnt in game. Had to babysit. Forgot to log out thats why I didnt respond to the bwoink.
The mime was running around stealing our helmets, I let him go. Then I passed him and he did it again. We were running aournd the station when I managed to flash him in med and cuffed him. Since he was such a nuinsance I deciced to fuck with him. Went to maints broke a bottle over his head and lef thim there bucklecuffed. He had access. He could leave. How do I know? HOP before this said that mime has extended maints access. If he did not then that is my bad however as I have already stated HOP said he had maints access so that is why.
Additional Information: Mime was fucking with sec so I fucked with him. I did not want to ruin his round or any of that. it would take him literally 3-5 minutes to unbuckle himself. I thought he had access, if I knew that he didnt I wouldnt have left him there.
And I did not steal his backpack thats a complete lie.