Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both
Ban Type:Job
Ban Length:Permanent
Ban Date (12/15/2020):
Round ID:25051
Ban Reason: Negligence when experimenting with fusion resulting in gas hotter than the sun blanketing the entire station instantly resulting in at bare minimum 50+ deaths. Part 2/2.
Appeal Reason: Mistakes were made And i learned from them. Fusion must be in a secure cage preferable walled/atmosholofanned and i should NOT leave atmospherics with lethal doses of rads.
i will never do something similar like this ever again. Also i learned that holofans break when they are being burned
as yyzsong said. when the same tile as holofan is on fire it will break the holoprojection. which i did not know. i tried to use it when switching the layout for more power but it burned inside the holofan cuz the trit was hot and there was air. which then leaked from the now nonexistant holofan, broke the fusion cage and flooded everything
This also happens with windows. You can have the flimsiest atmos-proof obstacle so long as it isn’t covered in your burnmix/fusion gas, it wont take a single point of damage when you ignite, while not even plastitanium windows will last long if there’s fire onto them.
nope the fusion of the round that happened in had a glass cage using the method lexen said. directional glass pointing at the fusion. so inside that area [the fusion] couldnt break the glass. but around it [atmos] could if there was enaught pressure
i tried to change a pipe for a mixer. i did the whole put down holo onto that + add scrubber THEN unwrench. there was hot tritium in that pipe and when i unwrenched it it mixed with the airmix that was being held in the holofan and burned. breaking the holofan and leaking that really hot tritium, which then broke the fusion cage and you know the rest
what ruko said. atmos + high pressure = speeeed. somehow it got thru doors into the maint tho no idea how that happened. also it got out of atmos without any broken windows