There are many issues that beestation has currently. Near the top of that list, at least in my opinion, is the lack of admins and staff we have in general. Currently we are unable to sustain more than one admin on MRP, and have significant stretches of time where we do not have any moderation of LRP. This leads a large range of secondary issues as well. Admin burnout and resignation is high. Servers suffer from not being staffed, and the overall quality of rounds lowers. When rounds can’t be moderated, players are left to just deal with issues, and many of them simple stop playing here.
There are a lot of plans getting set in motion for Bee. I, and the rest of the staff, want to see this community on an upswing and get to a new golden era. It is possible, however it can’t be done without a fleshed out and competent staff.
For these reasons, we are holding an admin recruitment drive. We desperately need people to help lessen the work load all around, and ensure that players have a server with structure to play in. On top of that, admins may reach out to people who based on hours, notes, and general personality seem like a good fit.
Being up front about it, admining here is currently a lot of work, and not too much fun to balance it out. Running rounds and seeing things go well is rewarding, but a lot of the time you are dealing with people who are toxic and abusive to you. The amount of tickets that are received every round prevent you from enjoying the game fully as you do for being a player. Also the log and forums work is grueling and never ending.
However, if you feel you want to take that on to improve the community and give a good environment for future players, and improve things for current players, then that alone is a great intention to apply with. The more admins we get who are good fits will lessen the work load all around and improve the conditions for staff and by extension the community. We cannot lessen our standards however, no matter how desperate for additional staff we become. Having minimal staff is still far better than having enough staff filled with some badmins. While no hard requirements other than saying you are at least 18 years old in place, a generally reference point is few bans and roughly 150-200 hours.
If you have are on the fence about applying, just think about that feeling when you get your first bee station admin check in the mail.