Not talking about helplines or things of that nature. I want to know more about the lives of trans people, how they think, what they do, what they go through, preferably in their own words. Is there a really good video essay, or book, or YouTube channel, or blog that captures how it feels to be trans? I need to know more about this stuff and the world.
I mean just google it? Reddit, books, YouTubers.
Play floorlenght bedhead felinids
Sir, this is an SS13 forum, think you’re better off asking and looking around forums dedicated to this. Such as what Rook recommended.
If you are in an accepting atmosphere it feels the same as not being trans because people love and accept you for who you are.
If you’re not in an accepting atmosphere it feels like you’re being ostracized for something beyond your control because you can’t help what you are and what you aren’t.
Additionally it’s very important to know it’s not a new concept to be transgender regardless of how new it may seem or how new people will act like it is; it’s just reaching much wider awareness in the information age. There’s tons of historical evidence of cultures and societies with an understanding that gender isn’t always what you were born with biologically or even necessarily binary.
I think that’s the most I can say on the topic without delving much into the deeper politics of the fact western society is currently dominated by an abrahamic religion and its core beliefs that assert what a man and woman are, or just how much effort has been spent trying to assimilate or eradicate other cultures and beliefs that didn’t line up even today.
This post might even be too much, we’ll see I guess.
Oh and Nevada by Imogen Binnie
This is a good place to start.
But in all seriousness from the transgender people I’ve met both online and off. Their thought process can range from a lot of places.
Sometimes they knew all along, sometimes they didn’t, etc.
The only thing that upsets me is just how little support they get, not just medically but from family. I remember getting some dirty looks from a friend’s family when I refused to call him by his dead name, learning that your family doesn’t understand or outright refuses to is hard. They all just want support and to feel like they are actual people and not targets for whatever talking points of the week is.
Yes, You Are Trans Enough by Mia Violet has been an interesting read.
If you want a book that is apparently very good as well, I saw that Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Trans (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Brynn Tannehill is supposed to be good.
The former is MTF oriented, not sure about the latter - I know a few trans masc (FTM) peeps but I think they’re rarer in the community, so probably tougher to get stories and whatnot from.
If you want to read up on the medical care side of it instead of a social / cultural side, the WPATH website is basically the international reference point for medical professionals. World Professional Association for Transgender Health
Y’all ever read Altered Carbon?
Kinda puts it all into perspective.
The first one kinda fell off in the end, I feel the author kind of glossed over a lot of things, leaving a lot open ended. Understandable since its her life and wip ofc, but still 0:
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