Glorious beestation 1984+37 bee posting thread [official?]

Hello, I’m Branickii Buckwheat and as many of you on discord have asked to see photos of my beehive, I will be posting in here from time to time. I ALSO POST FRESH BEE HIVE PICS IN #DONATOR-GENERAL ONCE A WEEK COUGH COUGH :cowboy_hat_face:

This is my third year keeping honey bees, so feel free to ask questions or request hive photos unrelated to erp, and I will do my best to get requested photos.

For my first two seasons, I kept a hive full of Italian honey bees before they absconded (everyone left instead of swarming). Now I have a hive of Saskatraz bees, which are Can*dian honeybees bred for their genetics to have longer legs :flushed: to be resistant to varroa mites.

Anyway, lets get started and show off how the season started this year. I got my bees on April 15th in the mail. Yeah, a delivery guy had to walk up my long ass driveway with 10,000 bees in his hands. More on that later.

Here is the bee area as I was planting over a hundred flowers in front of it, alongside weeding. The hive is not yet assembled in this one.

Now all the flowers have been planted. They’ll grow in to look nice later. On the right, that black wire-y looking thing is the hive stand made of rebar, with its legs inside of tuna cans.

The tuna cans sound weird, but actually serve an important purpose! They’ll be holding used motor oil to prevent Argentinian ants and other pests like hive beetles from getting into the hive easily.

Next I chuck the bottom board onto the hive stand. The lighter bleached part is where the bees will land.

Looking from the back, you can now see the entrance reducer at the front, that tiny little rectangle. When the bees are first introduced, they are not a strong hive at all, so the smaller entrance lets them defend their home more easily.

After that are these fancy metal stick things with an over hanging lip. These are new and didn’t get installed last year. They function to further be a pain-in-the-butt to intruders trying to get in.

You can see the lip here, somewhat.

Next goes on the 10 frame “Deep” box, which will function as the initial home for the bees when they are installed. This type of box is where the queen will basically hang out forever, laying tons of eggs and being fed and cared for by her sim–, her caregivers. Winter stores will be in here too, I usually leave it pretty much alone for the queen.

For comparison, here is a “Honey Super” or “Super” box on top of the Deep, which is where all the honey I’ll steal will come from. The Queen almost never goes in here, especially when she has two Deeps to work with later on.

  • The deep can get as heavy as 120Lb / ~55Kg
  • Super tops out around 80Lb / ~35Kg
  • Heavy as fuck when full basically, and low to the ground

This black frame is a Feeder Frame, which will hold a gallon of 1:1 sugar water mix that the bees will go through quickly. This sugar syrup is so that the bees can draw new honey comb and also have something to eat since they’re starting from nearly scratch. You can notice a bunch of divots and pockmarks in the wood on the right, those are from wax moth larvae. More on that later.

What goes on top of the deep is this Inner Cover. In my area, due to the heat, they are really only used for the first Deep until a second is added. Some people do use them year round and put insulation on top however. Donate to the patreon.

Almost done assembling most of the hive! Inner Cover in place now. I also added my frame holder on the side.

Bam, theres the lid / outer cover on top now, with a super frame on the side for looks.

Now the waiting game for the bees to arrive!

Here we are! Your pop trivia of the day is this:

10,000 bees = 3Lbs / 1.4Kg

This is called a bee bus, and now they’re here to get a number one victo–, here to get into their new home! This one is made of plastic, but my previous was made of wood. This one got delivered to my doorstep by a very nervous delivery man whom I’ll quote

man I was talkin to another driver, we never seen this before! They was buzzing all day, it was weird but cool

I am intermittently misting the bees through the plastic bars with sugar syrup now, because they are probably pretty hungry from their time in the mail! This also acts to help calm them down since they’ll clean themselves and eat, rather than be hangry.

The next step now is to donate to the patreon and also chuck the bees into the hive. I put a couple frames in, but left room because I am literally yeeting clumps of bees into the hive now. Literally. Like, shake the bee bus and hear “whoomp” as a mass of bees fall out into the box. You can see some silk from wax moth damage on the frame there.

I opened the bee bus and grabbed the queen in her queen cage here. This single bee is worth $41 without shipping. Queens usually range from $25 to $80 a piece, depending on insane breed.

She does not have any nurse bees so is probably a little hungry. She is not the queen the majority of the bees were born from either, so she is in this little cage so that she doesnt get beat to death by the bees that are used to their original queens. This one was born this year so she is very young.

There used to be a cork in the end of the cage, which I’ve replaced with a mini marshmallow as you can see. This is so that she spends more time being able to spread her pheremones through the hive, getting the workers used to her scent. The workers will take a few days to eat through the marshmallow to free her, and she will be fed through the mesh in the meanwhile.

The first thwump of bees, not really a big chunk of em yet.

I put the queen cage inbetween two frames now, so she can be freed after the honey bees are installed and you can support beestation on patreon. Notice two things.

  1. The mesh is facing between the frames, that way she can actually be fed through the mesh.
  2. These frames have wax on them already! These are frames from my previous hive with wax moth damage, and are mostly still good to go!


Majority of bees are in the hive now, and I’ve added the remaining frames. There is room for one more frame however.

The remaining bees that didn’t get shaken out of the bus are chilling. I’ve leaned the bus onto the bottom board near the entrance in the background, where they will all crawl into hive as they notice their sisters running in. Its like lemmings.

This is from sticking my phone into the bus a moment after.

Yes I was in a bee suit.

That takes care of delivery day and install! I will probably have a big ol’ reply showing the first inspection up in a bit.

Join the hive, become an Apid main with Martin Spes and I today!

Yes, I did decide to join beestation because I keep bees


Sick, I’m a beekeeper in AL!



On the first inspection, about 5-7 days after installing the queen and bees, I am looking for several things:

  1. Have they freed the queen from her cage?
  2. Can I find the Queen or signs of her, like eggs?
  3. Are they drawing comb or fixing the old stuff?
  4. Have they emptied the feeder frame yet?

Starting off is a little entrance traffic. You can see a lot of debris out front, which tells me they’ve been hard at work cleaning the house up!

Couple girls hanging on top of the inner cover, probably just bee-bopping around.

And there is the inner cover off! Not super full of bees yet, but they’re definitely working hard!

You can see here that Question No. 4 has been answered! The feeder frame is empty!

AH THATS THE MONEY YEEEEAHH. In this photo, you can see a lot of fresh comb being drawn! This frame was nearly completely empty five days ago! You can tell the comb is fresh not just by the color, but also by the height compared to the stuff in the top left corner. This answers Question No.3

I took the queen cage out of the hive, where we can see she is definitely gone! I would not be surprised if she was in the previous photo. This at least answers Question No.1. Three questions down! Looking pretty good so far, this means that the bees more than likely are not going to abandon the hive!

Hard to tell in this one, but this was a completely empty frame, and they have drawn a lot of wax already!

As was foretold by the first photo, they have cut out a lot of crud from the initial wax moth damage!

Unfortunately I did not see the Queen or eggs this time, which is ok! I won’t have to really start worrying unless I don’t see her or evidence of her for 10 more days. I.e. 15 days after install.

The Queen that came with the package was not marked unfortunately, which means she will be hard to ID amongst all the kids!


Nice! Glad to see another poor sap dumping money into the hobby!


You are doing this as a hobby instead of for your own benefit? Why? If you get any honey you could sell it, turn the wax to candles, use the royal jelly for medicinal purposes, and breed more hives.

Im aware that is a lot from one hive but you dont have to do everything. XD


It takes a lot of time to get profitable

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I understand that. But i mean in the long run, it will be. Just keeping them for the fun of it seems odd to me is all. :man_shrugging: Thats the reason people keep ants.


You fall in love with it, I’ve gotten to where I can turn it into some nice secondary income but I really just do it because it makes it fun to get outta bed.


Fair enough. I want to get into it eventually once i have my own place. Mainly for the byproducts but also for helping w/the garden i also plan to have.


Inspection Two time!

Donate to the Beestation patreon! There are fresh bee pics in #Donator-General all the time! Or be the evil the Greytide was meant to defeat and become a trialmin to get in for free, because its the closest you’ll ever get to being paid!

Getting the smoker going, I have not used it the past few times because they were quick in-and-outs, 20 minute adventures so to speak. This will be a more in-depth inspection this time!

My goals for today are:

  2. Refill the feeder frame
  3. Keep an eye out for anything wrong

They love the sugar syrup, thats for dang sure! It has been about 9 days since I was last in the hive. I try to inspect every week or week-anda-half early in the game now.

This is an obscenely gorgeous photo! Lots of fresh wax nearing completion, and you can even see some brood here and there in this one! The white spots in the middle with capped cells are new bees!

Goal No.1 complete!

Lots of bees! And probably some sugar syrup they covered, or a bit of honey, likely the former! You can also see some “Burr comb” here, which are the cells on the top and side of the frame. I’ll be scraping that away later. Its not really bad per se, just gets in the way of the human trying to keep them all good and healthy!


And look at that! Tons of capped brood waiting to hatch, with a couple already done! New bees, sweet!

This girl was my favorite to follow for a few photos, you can see she has a good amount of orange pollen on her legs!

Stop hiding, come on out!

SCRUMPTIOUS. Look at that pollen, gorgeous color too!

Now here is the worst of the burr comb, which is a result of not adding that additional frame that was missing that I mentioned before. My other Deep frames are in the freezer at this point to kill off the remaining wax moths so that the hive doesn’t have any trouble with them.

Definitely some honey here! It has got to go though!

Yoink! Thanks for the free beeswax suckas. This chunk of wax is the size of your palm, and I would later end up melting it down a bit for my extra beeswax bucket. Eventually it will be used for candles or chapstick or something.

So Goals 1 and 2 are basically good, but what about Goal 3?

Aside from the burr comb, everything looked good, however I did see what looked like a queen cup on a frame. Meaning that either my queen is gone after yeeting some babies out and they want to make an emergency queen, or it was an old cup from the previous hive!



My wife has a lot of medical issues, including some that are exacerbated by extreme allergies, so one reason was to get her local honey to help abate the allergies.

The second, and real reason, is that I was piss tired of my garden and orchard not getting pollinated to a degree I wanted haha.

@nothanksdog is right though in that it takes a very long time to get profitable with it. The honey itself isn’t worth much unless you sell it to mead brewers, and the wax isn’t really either. The big money is from breeding and selling queens believe it or not, or from renting your hives out to farmers to get their orchards/fields pollinated in my area. I don’t have the land to make money off of honey/wax, not enough hives to be profitable renting mine out either!

I could do queen rearing, but that doesn’t really interest me personally!


I can understand all that. Just the medicinal uses themselves are reason enough to do it.


Water would probably work fine too. We have something similar to this for our hummingbird feeders and the ants just drown in the water.


The motor oil might be also because of the smell and the lack of evaporation.


Yes, same heat issue, water evaporates very quickly and you run into mosquito issues


Forgot about that. Do not want to make a breeding farm for the little vampires.


Ultimate beeposting


He owns a literal bee station
host when


beestation (real)

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full sentence