Gimmick system will be possibly refactored

This thread brings up something I’ve been waiting to talk about for a long time.

Make the psychiatrist into an actual medical role (with limited access but an official office) with tangible benefits. Allow them to view medical records of people with things like social anxiety, smoker, junkie, nyctophobia, etc. And allow them to help people cope with their quirks.

You could add things like anxiety medication (social anxiety), smoker (nicotine patches), unstable (antidepressants), junkie, etc… I feel like this role has the most potential to actually not be just a gimmick role and have some impact and relevance but the fact that Beestation doesn’t have medical, employment, or any kind of records makes RP like this impossible and I think its a shame.

The fact that places like Paradise can make psychologists an actual viable role and they don’t even advertise explicitly as RP servers meanwhile Bee has none of the infrastructures to make this possible is a real missed opportunity. I would actually play as a therapist more if it was easier for me to actually do so based on game mechanics. The issue is you have to roll it roundstart and if you dont then it takes forever to get set up by which point all hell breake loose.