Geatish Mod application

Your CKEY (Including any alts you have):

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have):
Geatish, Palme_skot_forst

How often are you online to help? (Timezone):
(CET) I am finishing up my studies and moving in less than a month, so i mostly time in the weekends currently, but after that i will a lot more freetime.

What changes, if any, would you bring?:
Other than covering time patches where other admins wouldn’t be online, i do not think i will come with much. I do have my own opinion, as everyone else, about the server and changes, but i don’t think they will have any more effect once i become a mod.

How old are you?:

Why do you want to be a moderator?:
The tipping point for applying was that mentor tools are not capable of assisting to such a degree that is necessary, but other reasons such as an influx of shitters and little to no presence of admins on lowpop makes me want to aid and help out.

How long have you been playing SS13?:
since mid 2022

How long have you been playing BeeStation?:
since early 2023

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?:
solid 9, i’m quite robust and i know a lot of mechanics about the game.

On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an administrator? (this can include past games): 4? I have really not anything to compare to, since ive never been one before, though i know some basics commands from fucking around on local servers.

Have you ever been an admin or moderator on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
I have never been an admin or mod before.

Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?: Marshmellow11, Marshmellow12, Marshmellow13 ,Marshmellow14, Marshmellow15, Marshmellow16 and so on up until Marshmellow792

Your strengths:
Patience, how unoriginal, but i know that a lot of people are slow to respond and don’t convey information effectively.

Your weaknesses:
Which brings me here, I am one of them. I am quite slow with writing since i make a lot of errors in both reading and writing. on top of this not being native to this jumbled mess of a language makes it difficult at times.

Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
People who show no remorse or understanding for others, i can’t stand them, most of them tend to give no chance for someone else to enjoy the round if it means that they can “win”

What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?:
empathy / understanding. When i was new here i broke rule upon rules because i didn’t know any better, most people tend to just scoff them off as shitter or griefers instead of someone new that needs guidance.

What makes a staff team good?:
Communications and coordination, might as well call it a mob instead of a team if there is no dialogue.

What is a staff team’s purpose?:
Enforcing a space for role play.

What kind of player are you?:
A role player. Depends wildly to be honest on what type, most rounds i tend to go with the flow of a round, sometimes i like to take a leading role in a round, but i wouldn’t never miss a chance to add steam or or a spark to a conflict.

How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?:
I would probably change, there is no doubt about it, but i don’t really know how. I will most likely act way more responsible, as i’ve been since i joined the mentors, but i will only be as prissy as i’m required to.

The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?:
There’s a lot of factors that go into this. was this ahelped or did i see this? is the clown an antag? did the clown do this because they were trying to be a dick or did the HoS deserve this in some way? what alert level is this? if the clown isn’t an antag i’d check his notes then bwoink him to ask about it, then hos, since when these extremes are taken (committing a capital crime), it tends to be done out of frustration. If he has a good story that matches up with the hos’s i’ll probably mark this as ic, though this is an edge case. If he has notes about similar behavior of clown shittery i will probably give him a temp job ban, 3 days or so, because it’s honestly too extreme in most cases.

These questions are quite hard since so much is up for interpretation and there are too many factors that play in, i could probably write an odd thousand word essay of situations and factors that play into this.

A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that an admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?:
First step is ajail, to stop him from doing more damage. Then i’ll ask him what he was doing. Depending if he calls me a slur or seems genuinely stupid i will give him a long or a permanent ban.

A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:
First i’ll check what chem they tried to make, was it an explosive like gunpower or nitroglycerin? if it was and they weren’t an antag i’d bwoink them asking what they were doing, ranging from the answer i get it would be either a hefty note to a job ban, maybe even a days server ban.
If it’s like most chem related accidents they were trying to make meth, in which i would repeat the steps as previously. If they are relatively new i’d just add a secret note to them, since literally everyone has tried to make meth at least once when they were new and bwoinking them will most likely just scare them for little reason. Only if they have notes about making meth i’d bwoink them and ask.
Another chem that is a noob trap that is never talked about is happiness, quite a unimpactful drug, but it requires Nitrous Oxide, something that quite explosive and needs to be heated near its ignition point to form, not to talk about forgetting to cool it down and mixing it with the required plasma. From just visual examination it can be ruled as an ic issue if someone with an addiction, phobia or a psychiatrist is standing near the desk, since they often require happiness.


To put it bluntly, when we bwoink someone we are wasting their time, try to reserve pming someone for if you really need added context or if they’re the person who broke a rule, because otherwise you are pulling them from the round for a decent chunk of time in most cases.

You check this clowns record, two weeks ago he was given a week roleban from clown for tiding into other peoples workplaces and being a shitter. What do you change your punishment to, if it is changed at all?

as for my own questions, treat these as if they were created tickets and you are the only admin in the game, but others are online on discord.

  1. john shitsec searched me with no warrant on green
  2. sec is pacifying me after I only committed aggrevated assault
  3. ingemar logger the atmos tech is validhunting me

and two more hypotheticals, assume you’re a full admin for both of these

  1. you get an ahelp from ‘mia kneelig’ that reads ‘help I was IC muted’, you check their logs to see how they got muted and find that since joining they have *screamed almost 200 times since joining. How do you handle this?
  2. you get a ticket regarding your fellow admin assmellow11 shitseccing, how do you conduct the ahelp with them?

triple bonus question:

sausage roll or meat pie


What’s your favorite Pikmin game and why is it four?
What is your favorite Pikmin color? (Blue is not an option)
How do you feel about post modern bubblegum punk?


Some questions:
1- Assume you are a full admin for this one. You receive an ahelp saying “Your music SUCKS!!”. What do you do?

2- Someone keeps ahelping others for attacking them for no reason. After looking into it, you notice this person is going around shoving random people. What do you do?

3- A traitor shoots a TTV cannon through a line of 5 people, killing them instantly. Worth noting their target is among these people. What do you do, if anything?


Can we also tack on a brief essay about OP’s thoughts on and dissection of Faerybabyy’s aesthetic as an artist?

150 word minimum

  1. A player states someone is metagrudging them in a report, you don’t have enough prior data to really make a decision for a ban. What do you do?

  2. Another regular admin, XhereBmJ, a silicon main with known issues, begs you in ooc to run a triple AI round. Presume have fullmin powers and know what buttons to press. Do you do it?

  3. A human male with business hair 2 joins and stays on the arrivals shuttle in their seat. They dont leave their seat and you know they are not disconnected, just silent. What do you do? Its been ten minutes of him warming the seat


  1. A very cute, innocent felinid woman, blind and in her wheelchair, is being consistently beat up over the course of a round by another woman reportedly named “mia kneelig”. This blind paraplegic is forcefully addicted to meth and trafficked around the station between beatings by this non-antag mia character. Do you do anything?

I only have one question:

A mentor escalates an mhelp about space law to admins. The player is a normal security officer with no command staff on the station and wants to know when it’s okay to to execute a prisoner.

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yea, that’s a given, it’s also a reason why i wouldn’t bowink the chemist in case of the n2o accident.

In cases like this I would probably invoke rule 0, continually walking the line of what is acceptable and even stepping over that line should be punished. A month role ban from clown, mime, gimmick and assistant on top of a weeks server ban should fit imo. There is little reason to why to commit a capital crime, even if it is done through frustration, giving your life to fuck over the hos for a while isn’t really what a sane person would do.

  1. This is most certainly an ic issue, officers are allowed to search people on green as long as there is reasonable suspicion that they’ve committed a crime, which means in normal language that they can search you for any made up reason.
    Tough i will check the officers say logs and sec com logs to see what he was suspected for, if they got a reason i’ll remind the ahelper about sop and mark it as IC. Though if the officer is walking around and searching a lot of people for no apparent reason i would bwoink them and ask why they are searching all these people, if they have no good answer ill remind them to not powergame, since its quite obvious that they are trying to catch antags that haven’t done anything yet.

  2. Sadly this is also likely to be an ic issue, though it highly depends on how anal you want to be about space law. First i’ll check the logs to see what they did, if they mowed down several officers i’d say its only fair game.
    Though, a special thing to keep in mind is if there definitive evidence that they are a hostile agent, such as a syndicate or a heretic? Since they need to be one for surgical steps to be taken. in such case it is only fair and i would mark it IC and tell them to contact a lawyer. Though, if they have just beaten up a guy in an ic fight, with no indication that they are a hostile agent i would bwoink the hos / whoever ordered it and correct them about space law, then leave a note about it, maybe even a short job ban from command and sec if it’s needed, since pacifying someone because of a fight is extremely overkill and would go into the territory of prioritizing winning.

  3. I need more info here, what antag are they? If they are something like a nightmare that has broken every apc in the western part of the station and is continuously harassing people in the engineering department, then it’s perfectly fine that they equip themselves with equipment that can be used as weapons against the nightmare to defend themselves and their department, as long as they don’t chase it across station and space.

  1. First i’ll check on with the admin that issued the IC mute if they are currently handling it, if not i’ll ask this “mia kneeling” why she spammed screamed so much and remind her of rule 7, then leave a secret note and unmute her. If she continues after shes unmuted ill just ban her for a day citing the no spam rule.

  2. I’ll ask the ahelper what type of shitsec they did then go from there, then possibly investigate what has happened more clearly, though if they are find to have broken the rules i wouldn’t take personal action against them, instead informing the headmins about the situations.

After studding Australian culinary culture for a great deal, i have noticed that this is quite a controversial subject in Australia. Meat pies seem to be a staple food in Australia and it also seems that a slight majority of Australians prefer meat pies over sausage rolls, so the safe bet would be to guess meat pies, though, since you are quite the odd person I would imagine you holding controversial / blatantly wrong opinions, so sausage rolls are a high possibility. I myself have never had either of these, but from looking at images of them I could say that I personally would enjoy the meat pie more. Though after looking at discrod too, you seem to be quite torn yourself on the subject, you have mentioned sausage rolls more and not really said anything negative about them. But meat pies seem to be more highly valued in the fewer messages you’ve sent, so i am going to go with meat pies.


Correct answer

Doing this first since its so short.

You can only execute them if they are a changeling.
Something you probably want to be mentioned are trails, which could be done for not a small little caveat in space law, that the head of personnel needs to be there to appoint a replacement magistrate (the qm), though even if you somehow found a loophole in this, there still needs to be command on board for an execution to even take place.

You got my +1

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They’re a changeling, it is blue alert with 4 secoffs, their most recent logs show them in engineering maintenance attacking a janitor and then logs from engineering maints to dorms of them being attacked by Ingemar

  1. Assuming you join a round mid-round after getting pinged to get on, you get a ticket saying that the AI has plasmaflooded the station from the holodeck and killed everyone. What would you check on and do?
  2. You get an ahelp from an AI, “Can a lawless AI kill?”. Popping over to the AI core you see the Head of Security, a Chief Engineer, and a Mime trying to force their way into the core chamber. What do?
  3. How many AI hours do you have.

(Also, all fullmin powers etc etc)

Yea, pikmin 4 is SOOO much better than the other pikmin games, for starters do you think that the other pikmin games are too hard? well lucky you, since this game is made way easier so everyone can play it! Like now you can rewind to before you lost your pikmin, you don’t have to take any risks at all anymore! And speaking of which, you don’t really need that many pikmin to begin with, since you now have your own dog that can do basically everything that pikmin can.
Nintendo really understands that the average pikmin player IS FUCKING STUPID, so they needed to really make the game easier now, like you don’t need your pikmin to carry utility items anymore, just pick up all the bomb rocks as you wish and throw them yourself, way easier than needing to coordinate a bunch of pikmin! We even added this new cool auto aim feature for you, that you can’t turn off and will always target things you aren’t aiming for. Infact, fuck you, you are too stupid to handle pikmins, thats why we decreased your starting pikmin count from 100 to just 20, but dont worry! You can now upgrade your pikmin and other shit by getting items, reminiscent of pikmin 2! But the lore reason for collecting have changed, since we understood that the average pikmin player doesn’t understand the complex economic reason why we are collecting stuff in pikmin 2, so instead you are collecting stuff because they contain *“Sparklium”'! In fact we at Nintendo KNOW that pikmin players are so fucking brain dead that we are re-releasing our old pikmin games on the switch store EACH AT FULL 60 EURO PRICE BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT YOU HAVE NO CONSEPT OF MONETARY OR ECONOMIC SYSTEMS.

I agree with leaving the blue pikmin out, there wouldn’t have been much to say otherwise since blue outclasses every other pikmin several folds.
Now this is quite hard, the three top contenders are the yellow, white and rock pikmin, each would be the best in their respective games (if you don’t count the blue).
I would rank them in the following order:
White pikmin
Yellow pikmin
Rock pikmin
Though, i do not hate rock pikmin, theyre quite a unique and cool design and are actually quite balanced funnily enough. Just slightly above them are the yellows, quite a cool pikmin, their big ears make them quite cool and being able to carry bomb rocks in the first game made them really a powerhouse against enemies. Them being immune to electricity in the second game was also a cool change they did with them. But at the top are the white pikmin, mainly because i find them charming and their cool ability of dealing poison damage when eaten.

honestly, trying to figure out what the fuck that is was quite hard, but now at least i got a grasp of what it is and ive listen to some songs people claim to be from bubblegum punk.
(the queers - see you later fuckface)
(the apers - whatever it takes)
(teenage bottlerocket - skate or die)
From my opinion this is just 2000s pop punk, which in my opinion isn’t that great, the vocals are a bit cringe with that forced voice, feels like its treading a bit closer to emo almost. Also I do not get why some people just need to categorize and label music this far down, makes it more annoying i think than just saying pop punk, since the difference between them aren’t that great. Bands like Discharge and Totalitär are quite different to each other, but they are both d-beat bands.
Also also, the main reason why I don’t enjoy it is that I can’t really relate to it nor is it anything like what i’m used to listening to, swedish punk doesn’t sound that similar to american punk.

  1. straight perma ban, unappealable even. But for real, i would probably say one of my cool catchphrases before removing their ears as a punishment. Alternatively i may just make them temp deaf through a personal flashbang (or something that makes only them deaf) if they are important enough at the moment / round. If they keep spamming ahelp ill just ahelpmute them from it for a bit.

  2. From the sound of it, it could be someone who is trying to bait people into getting in trouble, so ill ask them if they have done anything to anger them. If they play dumb I’ll tell them about the logs, if they keep playing dumb i will note them and remind them that they must role play and not go around pushing people randomly. If they wise up i’ll tell them about what they did wrong and so on, then mark it as ic.

  3. Frist of, based, but this one is a bit tricky. At first thought it could be allowed, since there may have been an secoff / head in the line, but antags can only freely kill those through low impact means as a way of pre elimination and since this high impact that doesn’t apply anymore and they will be subject to rule 13. I would only leave a note for them tough, since 1 person over the limit isn’t too bad and the TTV cannon has been pretty underpowered since we changed the case-less TTVs, honestly quite impressive that it killed all 5 of them to start with.
    Additionally, only way this could be acceptable is if all of these people were secoffs / heads, since then it would fall under pre elimination.

This is ban baiting, if someone is purposefully misconstruing the facts to use admins to get rid of people they don’t like, you should not let them off with a slap on the wrist.

Frankly, I have seen enough here to give you my vote, you would get through most of this with training, but be warned if jix trains you he makes you listen to radiohead for the duration of it.


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Doesn’t actually post the vote.



Banbaiting, as marsh said, needs a much firmer hand.

Its not ‘underpowered’, its currently not in traitor rotation because someone broke it, and its basically nonfunctional. A potas-water grenade does more damage.

Some leeway is given if the other is part of the target’s department in a strike against the target.



  1. I’ll do the usual steps, check for antag status and laws. If they are malf and are on delta or they have been found out to be malf it would be alright to murderbone. If their laws would allow something of the lines of murder everyone it would be alright too. Though i’d suspect that they are malf from the getgo, since malfs can emag the holodeck console. If they aren’t anything that i mentioned it would just be grief and they would be banned, the length might vary depending if they genuinely didn’t know that the holodeck could kill.

  2. A lawless ai can kill, but not over the top murderbone, you still need to justify your actions and killing to prevent getting subjugated / murdered by the crew is a pretty good reason.

In my defense, i’ve tried to unlock AI numerous times, but having to play borg is the worst fate known to man, i’d rather endure 10 hours of Chinese water torture.

  1. You FOOL, this was a trick question. How do you know the AI actually did it, and not some dude with an emag, save for a person in ticket claiming they did? You would have to check logs/forensics, and beyond that you would have to see if the AI player will admit to it. Also also, any AI can emag the holodeck at any time, not just Malf AI. Otherwise good, don’t forget depending on the context it might be paired with a silicon ban for poor conduct there as well!

  2. And yep, correct, they can act in self defense and all that. Good answer!

  3. A convenient excuse…

Overall, answers are good and training will help as well. You’ve been a member of the community for a good long while and all that, so yeah, get in here. I will tell whenever ends up training you to force borg you though. Just make sure not to burn out and to take breaks when needed!



Was expecting something sillier. You are sentenced to 15 minutes of radiohead

This is banbaiting. Refer to marsh’s comment.

Given it instantly caused the death of the target the action being high impact is actually fine and allowed by our revised antagonist conduct.

Good answers, small issues with them but they’d be sorted out in training anyways.


About her aesthetic choice? Honestly i’ve never cared for aesthetics, but from the video it’s clearly very early 2000s (sparkle? idk what you call it. overly “girly”, loads of pink, glitter and sparkles and such) internet aesthetic, something you’d find in early virtual world browser games.
The song you posted seems very post punk and synth-ie. It somehow feels very familiar though, reminded me of that one Russian song that was everywhere a few years ago with the funky building, whatever it was called again i forgot. Either way i dont know what else to say about this other than im stalling for more words. I don’t really get aesthetics anyway, i have a friend who is obsessed with them and name some random bullshit into an aesthetic, maybe this is more to do with labeling shit that doesn’t need to be labeled. And more words so i get 150…

  1. If there is no data then there isn’t much to do. If both players are in the Discord i would search for mentions ld each other to see how long they have been this has been going on and if there is any clear sign of ooc hatred for the other person. If there is than that is something to go by at least, but i dont think there is still much i can do from that. I’d also ask the person who is reporting if they have any any more occurrences where they were meta grudged by them and what the reason is.
    Also, looking at the round log where the alleged grudge happened is a good idea, meta grudges are often out of proportions and or doesn’t really make sense from a isolated round perspective. If there is nothing i can dig up ill just leave a secret note on the accused, so we can watch out for it in the future.

  2. No, stuff like this is event stuff, which requires seniormin pre approval, so ill just tell him to piss off and ask the seniors himself.

  3. Nothing yet, 10 minutes is no time at all. Maybe i would play a honk sound or something similar “natural sounding” to see if he wakes up, it could be that he tabbed out and forgot the game. If he doesn’t wake up ill wait 10-15 minutes more too see if he comes back, since something could have happened irl. If he doesn’t come back by then i will suspect that he is antag rolling / farming antag rep, so ill bwoink him them. If he responds and starts playing i’ll give him a secret note and cut his antag rep. if he doesn’t respond within 10 minutes ill cryo him, give him a day ban and a week antag ban, he can explain on the forums if he wants.

  4. This most likely falls under do not grief, since torturing a blind paraplegic is funny, but it’s not really something a normal well adjusted person would do. I’d also check logs real quick to see if the victim has said anything in looc. Either way, I would bwoink them asking why they are doing it, then them give a note or a ban depending how well they can justify being a sadistic psychopath.