Geatish idk what attempt this is at a mentor app

Your CKEY: Geatish

Your Discord: Geatish

How long have you been playing ss13?: June 22 2022

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: Jix, patience.

Game Experience (More Detailed):
Pretty much got experience with all carbon jobs and a lot of knowledge in all job in the engi and sci departments. Only places i’m lacking is in botany and AI, though I know how to do their jobs somewhat functionally.

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We’ve already gone through the process once. Your music sucks, you know the game, +1. I think your behaviour on discord has improved.

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doesnt have 1k+ robo hours so i have to sadly give a 1+ :moth:

Fun questions.

  1. How do I move my AI core?
  2. I want to subvert a cyborg, but I don’t have any Emag.
  3. What do I do as an Atmospherics Technician? What’s expected of me?

I’ll vouch for this crackhead. Dude made a seperate character dedicated to practicing his chainsmoker skills.

But I’ll add some very hard questions:

  1. Hello, can you please tell me if its possible to shave Ian.

  2. I placed a hat on Ian but his sprite doesn’t seem to update, did i do something wrong?

  3. Hello, I’m playing as a clown and want to make a deepfrying grenade, how can I do this?

  1. How do I sing
  2. How do I fart on radio
  3. Can I arrest someone for 15 minutes for c4
  4. How do I fix the powercell inside my X-01 lasergun if it broke
  5. How do I bake cheesecake out of game
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First you need to unbolt yourself from the ground, you do this by going into your AI verb tab and press unbolt. Then you need someone else to drag you or if you have a borg shell switch to that and drag your core around.

You can subvert a borg by changing its laws at a cyborg upload console, the exact same way you’d subvert the AI. Since you also need to upload code for this I would recommend subverting the AI instead, since all borgs linked to the ai will get the same laws.

The only task you have to do is fixing the air after a breach / plasma fire, maybe even rescue people from places paramedics cant get to.
Cargo might expect you to make some Pluoxium and or Nitryl for bounties, but these gases are relatively easy to make and you only will require one tank (handheld) of it. The rest is up to your own free will what to do, atmos is mostly one of the more laid back jobs where you don’t have that much pressure to do things.

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Yes! Just use an electric razor on him and you’ll start to shave him.

Did you place a valid hat on him? If you placed the hat on the wrong inventory slot or just an invalid hat it’ll just fall off. Try putting a fire extinguisher on his back and see if that works, might be a bug.

It’s very easy, just get two beakers full of cooking oil, heat them as much as you can (lighter, welder, anything really) then make a grenade assembly, use some wire on it, stick the beakers is and use a screwdriver on it, then you got your own deep frying nade.

  1. “Toggle floor bolts” specifically.
  1. It can be done without the use of the console.

just put % at the start and the end of what youre trying to sing %like this%

You just need to end your sentence in | You can do any custom emote over the radio then, like “; farts |”

this is an admin question

I am not aware that you are able to do it without than admin intervention.

Nice try, but you aren’t getting the recipe to my family’s world famous cheesecake

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You only need to do it at the beginning

  1. Thanks!
  2. I’ve put the captains hat on him and it worked, but then I try to put the armor vest on him, and it doesn’t seem to appear, even though it is equipped on it.
  3. How do I get cooking oil?

I was already pretty set on a +1 but I wanted my chance to ask questions.

You’re at a total of +3

You have really good answers so I’ll just pop a +1, also hopefully I don’t accidentally ban you in the future. Again.


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Correct me if i’m wrong, but I don’t think this is an admin question. It is a space law question of which states you can arrest someone for having contraband of which I think C4 falls under.

This must be a bug, tried to shave him, deathsquad him and everything. I could not replicate it. What vest did you use? Was it the standard ian?

The chef has a big vat of cooking oil in his freezer, if you ask him nicely he could probably give you some, or you can break in. You can also make it buy mixing equal parts of oil (hydrogen, carbon, welding fluid), carbon, hydrogen and sugar.


It is a bug, not sure if it is fixed by now. But basically, when I try to make a Captain Ian with collar and an armor vest, if you put on the hat first, then the armor vest will not appear and lock Ian out of his customization.

I wanted you to mention the big vat of cooking oil and you did.

Not a mentor, but hope you had fun answering these, so I’ll just add this medal :medal_military: and hope that it helps you somehow! Good luck!

T:+4 and :medal_military:

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Here are some questions to speed things along

  1. What are those weird blue crystals on lavaland?
  2. How do you check implants without destroying the implant itself?
  3. How do i make it so a painting of mine can appear later on the station?

You have been less of a shitter, your hours look well distributed, and you’ve answered the questions alright.

+0.5 from me


I like the answers so far, lots of hours and afaik you haven’t been stinky on discord lately, so I’ll put my +1 for a T:5.5 (plus a :medal_military:)

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