Discord ID: Geatish
Admin Discord ID: thebutcher_
Ban Type: Warning
Ban Length: -
Ban Reason: continued trying to bait me after being told to stop discussiong racism in eastern europe
Appeal Reason: After talking about racism against romani people fresh came in to stop the convo, saying it was political. I asked “is it really political to say racism is bad?”, which was a genuine question. I do not believe i had said anything political during the convo, only talking about the treatment of romani people and how shit it was. But, Fresh just replied with “” to my question, which kinda irritated me so i replied with “you think it’s good?”.
It was not my intent to bait Fresh, I dont really think of obvious statements such as racism is bad as being political, I’ve always thought for something to be political it needs to be disagreable and i do not think racism should be disagreed upon, thus the second snaky comment. Now with hindsight it probably wasnt the best i could comment.
Additional Information:
After talking to jix a bit i can see how a convo about racism or homophobia could be considered political. I also think this whole situation could have been avoided if Fresh had taken me serious and had answered my question.