The main problem is that gatfruit spawns inside the podperson vault, and not on them. Miners/Shitters (same thing to be honest) will take them with no pushback because they arent usually played. The gatfruit seeds need to spawn ON the podpeople, not in the crates.
How often does the crew actually get a shitload of gatfruit
Were you one of the xenos the crew shot up
What will you do with your potential nerf to balance the syndicate item version if you change the weapon itself
Will this also take into account the time it actually takes to grow a gatfruit? A basic golden tray with the seeds gene editted to grow quicker will still take about 20 minutes to grow from seed to fruit bearing
I selected the banana because it was funny
I selected the % chance cause it was funny and made sense
I selected the third option because I liked the idea initially but no longer think it’s viable, creates too much clarity on who is good and who is bad.
It’s a rare occurrence and was still a fun round from what I gather. How powerful something is isn’t what matters as much as how fun/funny it was for those involved.
I don’t like seeing or dealing with mass gatfruit personally, so I voted for the single gatfruit per seed so the mass fruit isn’t possible, but they still exist and can be cool to encounter without arming literally the entire crew.
Locking shit behind if(owner.mind.antag) has been the suggestion of several prs in the past and they have been closed. It is terrible design-wise to both implement, and the precedent it sets.
If you want to nerf Gatfruit, this should not be anywhere near the PR or it will poison the whole thing
Tbh ability to gain a plant that grows pop locked 12 tc officer remover hand cannons as a miner is an issue. Growth time? Place where you find it is a botanists dream and someone with basic knowledge of botany can grow first batch in 10-15 minutes (undisturbed by officers). I like the idea of moving seeds into ghost role spawned botanists inventory. Changes to gatfruit will affect those who use it fairly, which is not cool.
Oh no how else will I make every role on the station a valid hunter by giving a pair of seeds to botany when I find one as miner.
The days of gatfruit coming from xenobio are long gone and its only used by podpeople in lavaland mostly as self defence because well fauna there is just ass without a PKA or Crusher I think gatfruits seeds coming from there should get the same ruling as golem disk being stolen from golem ship
Asides I never heard it being a traitor item when I played botany.
Actually, why not just have the gatfruit produce detective revolvers with random .38 rounds.
There’s SO MANY .38 round types that almost never see the light of day. This both balances the resulting gun by making it a more average gun, and provides some more fun chaos since you never really know what kind of round you’re going to shoot out of it.
I think Gatfruit is fine design-wise. This thing is illegal to grow and should be confiscated if people get it just for memes or gaming. With known xenos on board, arming the crew was fine. No distribution or aquisition nerf needed imo.
Actual problems:
-The gun is too strong. Compare it to an autorifle for example. Use Ruko’s idea above to fix it.
-No one plays the plant guys because it’s a shit spawn, and it should be reworked as a whole to have real goals/objectives and endgame. Compare to Golems. Syndies can at least work with traitors, lifebringers are boredom victims unless they rush the station or start fighting bosses with gatfruit, ironically.
LIfebringers are intended as a role to practice the limits of botany without having your stuff confiscated or worrying too much in general. Explosive fruit are also surprisingly useful on lavaland despite the mob resistances to them.
But yes as someone who already knows botany they’re just a worse station botanist because you get no interaction aside from testing your plants on the environment and fauna and maybe passing them on to the miner.