In-game report:
CKEY: Joe Milan
Offender’s CKEY: Fuchs Admenes
LRP or MRP server:LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name:Fuchs Admenes
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):13-02-2020
Round Number:12484
Rules Broken:Killed the AI and a borg for no reason .
Incident Description:After dispute he called the ai malf and said to be replaced , rd came to ai sat and got ai carded , rd checked laws then said that ai is not malf . With 2 min till the shuttle he build a emiter gun shotting straight at ai sat , killing the ai in the procees , after this a borg apeared , he kkilled the borg asweell witouth the borg even atacking him .
Additional Information: The build of the emiter and the dead borg ./