Fourest banned by pricklytomato

**CKEY: fourest

**Admin’s CKEY: pricklytomato

**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:Both

**Which server did the ban happen on?Golden

**Ban Type:Server ban

**Ban Length:31 days

**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):2020-08-30 03:47

**Round ID:20587

**Ban Reason:Assaulted people again as hotel staff, has bad history of metagrudge behavior and abusing ghost roles. Keeps filter invading, invaded about 4 times in the span of the ticket. Appeal on beeforums.

**Appeal Reason: *I was told to appeal on forums, so i I’m doing it. Some prick convinced me that leaving the hotel as a hotel stuff is not against the rules on LRP, and it just makes you valid. I was pretty tired, so i forgot to ask the admins about it. Yeah, i know, big brain moment. I didn’t intend any “metagrudging”, in fact, it wasn’t a metagrudge at all. Grief - yes, but it was neither meta nor grudge. I just decided to steal HOS’ machine gun and shot him when he tried to take it back. I took him to medbay when i saw that he is in a critical state, but got shot by CMO, who let HOS just die (i remember him being alive when i took him to the medbay and tried to put him in a sleeper, but when i woke up after chloral hydrate, HOS was dead). About filter evasion, i acknowledge my fault with the N-word and with "**ded" (but, in my defence, i was already pretty tired and forgot about these words being prohibited), but i genuinely haven’t knew about the word “furf-g” being against the rules. I think that there should be some actual list of prohibited words, because there’s really nothing about it in the rules (“racial, homophobic or discriminative slurs” is too broad and strict at the same time, i mean, furries are neither racial nor sexual minority, and i don’t think that they are discriminated anywhere except 4chan). Also, the slur filter itself is pretty cringe and bluepilled, gamers should be free to use their native language, gamer rights are human rights.

Additional Information: Bruh, at least check your ban reason before banning someone, i evaded filter, not invaded it.

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Looks like all the admemes have died of Corona.

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Apologies for the late response, been busy with school and other personal things. I don’t really think it needs to be explained that words that derive from real life slurs, like furf-g, isn’t allowed. It literally contains the word f-g in it, that should be enough to know you shouldn’t be saying it. You should’ve known with the hours you have that hotel staff can’t leave the station. I’ll admit I should’ve changed it to greifing instead of meta-grudge, I’ll do this shortly after this comment actually. Which if you just came off the station as hotel staff because you were bored I wouldn’t have done a month long ban, but because you became hotel staff and went right to greifing the station and with the repeated filter invading (and after talking with admins) it was a month long server ban. Unless other admins comment and want the ban shortened I don’t really think the ban should be lowered.

They’ve been prohibited for a little over 6 months, I appreciate the honesty but even if you told me that at the time it wouldn’t have helped your case at all. I get tired too, but the last time you filter evaded (8-19-20) you claimed you didn’t know about the rule that you had gotten banned for 3 months earlier. Why do you keep forgetting about a simple rule?

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As i said, one my friends was very sure that this server permits it, unlike the other ones

The ghost role itself, both when you’re trying to take the spawner and after you’ve taken the spawner states in large red text “DO NOT LEAVE THE HOTEL”

Given your very dense history of metagrudge and issues in general, I don’t see a reason to lift this ban. You should also consider yourself on thin ice with next offense resulting in a permanent ban.


You have caused a noteworthy problem in every 2-3 rounds you’re a part of.

Hey in 2 days if you don’t respond I’m going to close the appeal since I have already gotten another admins opinion, just giving you the heads up

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The two days are up, denying this appeal