FleshGorda banned by TyranicRanger4

CKEY: FleshGorda

Admin’s CKEY: TyranicRanger4

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? Sage

Ban Type: Game ban

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/21/2020

Round ID: 22879

Ban Reason: One hour account with a knowledge of fusion. Seems to have stolen a fusion can from atmospherics and tried to break it open in the main hall. VERY likely a grief account. Appeal on the forums at https ://forums.beestation13.com/ if you feel this was made in error.

Appeal Reason: I am appealing this because I do, in fact, feel this was made in error.

Additional Information:
This happened during a round on Sage. I was playing as an atmos tech that wanted to try out a game mechanic called fusion that I read about on the subreddit and Discord. I read the guide to atmospherics and got information on how to do fusion on a Discord server dedicated to sharing SS13 tips. This was before the round started.

I grabbed the atmos hardsuit and the fireaxe. I got shocked into critical condition as a result of hacking a door and getting repeatedly electrocuted after pulsing a wire with a multitool. While I was being carried to medical, my hardsuit got taken. I got fixed up and went back to atmos, where someone else made a stimulum canister that was actually filled with tritium and plasma and superheated it to 18 thousand degrees. The guy left atmospherics and I never saw him again. I think his name was Opie something. A moth named Acco something was doing some stuff with the pipes, which he would later tell me was pumping BZ into the atmosphere. I added some carbon dioxide to that canister since that’s what Discord and the wiki told me to do.

“Nuclear particles” started shooting out of the canister. I got back a bit and then Acco wrenched it down, which somehow stopped it from shooting the particles. I spent a lot of time in the medbay getting unfucked after getting hit with a particle. I came back to atmospherics just as Acco was leaving, so I thought he was going away for good and I could see the fusion happen in all its glory. I unwrenched a canister and it started shooting nuclear particles. Just then, Acco comes back. I tell him that the canisters were fusing, but he still goes back to atmos. By this time, the shuttle was well on its way back to the station. I wanted to release one of these canisters on the shuttle when it docked at Central Command. I grabbed one of the canisters, which already stopped shooting particles, and tried to drag it towards the shuttle. Acco was already spacing the other, so I desperately tried to save one canister so I can release it at round end. I also hit it a couple times so that, when the shuttle docks at central command, I could break it open with one or two more hits. Alas, that was not to be, as I got beaten into crit and off to the medbay I go. Then I got messaged by Tyranicranger4 and banned afterwards.

This is my side of the story. I am no griefer, I just wanted to do fusion and release the million or so degree air into the shuttle WHEN IT DOCKED AT CENTRAL COMMAND, which other servers allow and I would think Bee does as well since someone blew up the shuttle when it docked at CC.

So what was your original account name before this one? You’re obviously very well acquainted with the game based on not only your actions in the game but the level of specific details in your appeal.

Your current account name seems to be trying to convince us to ban FleshGordo for ban evasion.

This uhhh seems like ban evasion since fleshgordo has a player report going

There is no current evidence the account is owned by fleshgordo.

And in regards to the actual appeal I will respond tomorrow if/when ruko’s question is answered.

My original account name was SomeoneOutThere. I wanted to start with a “Clean slate” since I’ve pissed off people on other servers long ago and wanted to start anew. I haven’t played on Beestation before, but I have played on tg and a few of its offshoots.
I didn’t have a good idea for an account name so I looked at the ban list for one and picked the topmost name at the time. I know that it might certainly seem like I’m trying to frame some guy for evasion, but I am not, and I apologize if it seems so.

As Acco the moth I have a great perspective on this.

Bullet points because there is so much wrong here.

  • Took fire axe and only atmos hardsuit 4noraison
  • Hacked and fucked the doors around atmos
  • Blew up part of atmos round start I believe with welder, causing Opie to ragequit
  • Fucked with my piping as they didn’t know what it was doing, while I was currently working on it
  • Fucked with Opies 99% completed fusion set up while he was making it and then after blowing up half of atmos making him leave, continue to mess it up
  • Unwrenched a fusion can releasing particles, I explained in detail what this was, how it worked, why he should not do this, to which he responded he understood and agreed
  • After disappearing for some time came back he did it again this time getting hit by a bolt and I believe going to medbay, again I wrenched it back down and told him to not

At this point I walked to the engie break room to test my BZ saturation in the atmosphere was not harmful and only funny see things and more importantly enough to stop the changelings chems I believe we’re on the station.

  • Return to atmos to find them there again, bald from rads unwrenching the can and dragging it out, so I beat them with a plant pot till they flee and return to my project after hiding the can in the corner of atmos
  • Leave atmos, check gas, return to break room, he’s fucking attacking the can with a welder in break room while heading to main hallway.
  • Administer street justice to horizontal. Instruct nearby Borg to medbay and sec him.

All through this results of their actions were explained to them.

Clear grief

Obvious knowledge of atmos due to fiddling with opies 99% complete fusion set up to bring it to fruition and deadliness. Obvious intent with a welder attacking a can that was explained to be dangerous to them while dragging it to hallway.
The shuttle was not even called when you were dragging the bolt firing can to main hallway.

Not in error. Stay gone

[2020-10-21 21:11:33.603] ATTACK: FleshGorda/(Kelsey Keener) has attacked [co2 canister] with the welding tool (Central Primary Hallway (91, 144, 2))
[2020-10-21 21:11:35.404] ATTACK: FleshGorda/(Kelsey Keener) has attacked [co2 canister] with the welding tool (Central Primary Hallway (88, 138, 2))
[2020-10-21 21:11:36.508] ATTACK: FleshGorda/(Kelsey Keener) has attacked [co2 canister] with the welding tool (Central Primary Hallway (88, 133, 2))

Trying to break open a fusion canister in the main hall is a big no no.

That combined with everything aeder said. I’m denying this - if you want to appeal please get a vouch and try again.