CKEY: FleshGorda
Admin’s CKEY: TyranicRanger4
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both
Which server did the ban happen on? Sage
Ban Type: Game ban
Ban Length: Permanent
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 10/21/2020
Round ID: 22879
Ban Reason: One hour account with a knowledge of fusion. Seems to have stolen a fusion can from atmospherics and tried to break it open in the main hall. VERY likely a grief account. Appeal on the forums at https :// if you feel this was made in error.
Appeal Reason: I am appealing this because I do, in fact, feel this was made in error.
Additional Information:
This happened during a round on Sage. I was playing as an atmos tech that wanted to try out a game mechanic called fusion that I read about on the subreddit and Discord. I read the guide to atmospherics and got information on how to do fusion on a Discord server dedicated to sharing SS13 tips. This was before the round started.
I grabbed the atmos hardsuit and the fireaxe. I got shocked into critical condition as a result of hacking a door and getting repeatedly electrocuted after pulsing a wire with a multitool. While I was being carried to medical, my hardsuit got taken. I got fixed up and went back to atmos, where someone else made a stimulum canister that was actually filled with tritium and plasma and superheated it to 18 thousand degrees. The guy left atmospherics and I never saw him again. I think his name was Opie something. A moth named Acco something was doing some stuff with the pipes, which he would later tell me was pumping BZ into the atmosphere. I added some carbon dioxide to that canister since that’s what Discord and the wiki told me to do.
“Nuclear particles” started shooting out of the canister. I got back a bit and then Acco wrenched it down, which somehow stopped it from shooting the particles. I spent a lot of time in the medbay getting unfucked after getting hit with a particle. I came back to atmospherics just as Acco was leaving, so I thought he was going away for good and I could see the fusion happen in all its glory. I unwrenched a canister and it started shooting nuclear particles. Just then, Acco comes back. I tell him that the canisters were fusing, but he still goes back to atmos. By this time, the shuttle was well on its way back to the station. I wanted to release one of these canisters on the shuttle when it docked at Central Command. I grabbed one of the canisters, which already stopped shooting particles, and tried to drag it towards the shuttle. Acco was already spacing the other, so I desperately tried to save one canister so I can release it at round end. I also hit it a couple times so that, when the shuttle docks at central command, I could break it open with one or two more hits. Alas, that was not to be, as I got beaten into crit and off to the medbay I go. Then I got messaged by Tyranicranger4 and banned afterwards.
This is my side of the story. I am no griefer, I just wanted to do fusion and release the million or so degree air into the shuttle WHEN IT DOCKED AT CENTRAL COMMAND, which other servers allow and I would think Bee does as well since someone blew up the shuttle when it docked at CC.