Fireaxe is good

fireaxe is good.

real men use fireaxe.



What is this? A speck of fun you’re having?

Oh we gotta @ the coders to speedmerge it out.


Not on my watch.

fireaxe is used for pussies who want easy fights.

I once had sharpend fireaxe and it was kind of op.

β€œrobust” bee players when u take their fireaxe

Yeah, kinda like how security is only played by unrobust monkeys spraying and praying with sectoys.

Fireaxe? more like crutch

What isnt a crutch? Do you kill everything with FISTS?

fists are a crutch. cut them off.

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Become gondola. Most robust


If they had their toys taken away, I bet they couldn’t even beat a few greyshirts.

First tg… now bee? Oh god it’s spreading!

Oranges when he spots people having fun with botany or with Tesla’s.

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