Favourite antag round in wich you didnt get a greentext?

just as the title says, favourite round as an antag in wich you DIDNT get that sexy sexy greentext

Blood brothers when we couldnt find ce magboots but we were very cooperated, coordinated, conspirated and we like ruled the fucking station. Had radios with a custom frequency, helped eachother out get away with crime, got eachother outta jail, had an arsenal, got aa (on mrp thats a little bit harder than on lrp).
Im glad i picked lizard that round, it was fun being in a red/blue duo of lizards who were using their language and TEAMWORK (a real rare sight) to completely take control of the station.
Didnt even murderbone that much, only our target and the engineer who hid the boots. Maybe some sec.
Was awesome.


Ah was that the round you got bb with topith ? I just join mid round and hop tells crew im tator because of your similar name while im confused as fuck, did see you 2 talk in draconic on radio so i figured it out.

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Yeah. I still love it when it happens. Probably one of the reasons it was a good round tbh, seeing shit like that is hilarity

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Contractoring and not doing obj because muh TC.
so i ended up having carp, north star, adrenals, no slips and an emag. a durand blocks my way to kidnap CE, but i deflect the rocket he shoots at me and it hits some random sec dude who fucking dies. then i proceed to toolbox the durand.

 >be me
 >meth first, everything else later
 >done with chemistry, look into discount section
 >clown car
 >5 tc
 >acquire honkers
 >emag the car and give it to the clown
 >clown says in radio that i'm based for giving him the car
 >[Common] Spaceman says, "fuck"
 >proceed to emag every fucking airlock while eating Speed IV pills


I was about to post it but you were 15 hours ahead of me it seems. The only thing i want to add is that we had to steal blueprints not magboots. Oh and there was a third bb but no one has seen em.

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