Exploration Vendor Additions PR Feedback Thread

Exploration Vendor Additions PR Feedback Thread

I’m seeking more feedback regarding my implementation of adding more items to the Exploration Vendor to solve some of the annoying pitfalls of Explorers and improve its quality by removing unused items.



  • Removed other marker beacon items, only keeping the 30 marker beacon item.
  • Removed Brute and Burn Medkits, only keeping the advanced medkit.
  • Added tracking implant kit.
  • Added Lazarus Injector.
  • Added Emergency Shuttle Pod

Exploration Emergency Pod

This is a small pod meant to be used for emergencies when left stranded or if a miner wishes to go asteroid mining in a somewhat convoluted way.

It includes a free half-full plasma canister and a single seat. It is enough to get you to the station and maybe back. It also has an emergency storage container with some random supplies.

It is sold in the vendor for 2 500 Exploration Points.


If you have any other questions feel free to ask them.

  1. Can non-Antagonists non-Explorers abuse this in any meaningful way?
  2. Can Antagonists abuse this in any significant way?
  3. I see the shuttle size as a 1x1, maybe a 1x2 with the door. However, it can be argued it is 4x3 if you tear down its walls and strip it of its shuttle parts. How does this change the usage of the shuttle?
  4. Does this skip a lot of the work being put into getting a working shuttle? Is that a bad thing?
  5. Can it be used to escape Security?

Depends if the shuttle pod can be used indoors station side as a 3 by 5 wall can be a pain to deal with.

Alongside more “fancy” types would be cool as miners got the luxery/bar pods

added notes prehapes some kind of new docking room with some toolset to decontruct the pods.

With the added bonus I can see this being abused to take megafauna to the station if placed next to a megafauna boss so prehaps some kind of no lift off when there are non sentient mobs on it?
oh with that added statement antags can now smuggle facehuggers by just saying “Oh hey I will stay a bit longer to explore for discs as I will be taking the pod”

as for seeing question 4 I’d say no as likely the parts of the shuttle are T1 and if docked any choice is better then the pod though depends if they upgrade it or not I’d say its too small to function as a real shuttle so I don’t see a issue with it.


we were promised shuttle for curator space kit back when explo was in development.
Shuttle pod seems ideal thing to add to NASA kit (which is outclassed by other kit even if you want space suit). Curator already has exploration comms anyway.

Not big fan of removing brute/burn kits from vendor - yes, you can find them on missions, but having them as option is nice.


Advanced medkit already includes medicine which fixes both and if you want specialized medicine then Chemistry is still an option.

Not sure if every atv key is unique to every atv. But if not, you could make it a buyable option, since many derelict stations spawn atvs, but no keys.

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+1 on the ATV key.
could the explo vendor be hackable for firing pins, maybe?

no lol

One thing I always notice, that there is no anti-toxin/charcoal medicine at roundstart in explo, this is needed to heal the poison damage taken from spiders.

Though this is not very crucial, since you can pretty much find a medical vendor in the first mission.

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The advanced medkit for 5000 exploration points includes antitoxin medicine.

Removing three damage types medkits and leaving only advanced medkit isn’t smart move. I‘d say it must be other way areund… I haven’t seen anyone use advanced medkit in expo environment, plus half of its contents exist for rather specific usage. Atropine pens do no good in combat situations and antirad pills aren’t that needed if expo team has charcoal.

Advanced medkit treats brute, burn, bleeding, toxin and radiation. What more do you want?

The radiation medicine is a good antitoxin too.

An oldschool medibot :slight_smile:

I want game not to turn into scuffed torture with removal of convenient and commonly used things in favor of pointless crap?


Nick the one from Medbay on round start. It now has epi- bicaridine and kelotane. It’ll fix everything but poison.

Of which the advanced medkit provides, if you want specialized things then you can ask the related department, I recommend using your PDA to message them or make a holocall.

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