EMP effects

So… EMP removes energy from equipment, messes around with airlocks, suit sensors, stuns cyborgs and kills IPC and augmented people. The question is, what else can it do? I know that it can cause defiblirators safeties to be turned off, which turns defiblirator into a good weapon. Disarm intent stuns the target for a moment and for the duration of the stun defiblator cannot be used again. Harm intent, is a charged move which needs you and the target to be still for a moment. If performed successfully it gives target a heart attack that usually means death. So… What are the other things that EMP can do? What kind of functions can unlock in certain things? Or is it just that?

Emps can unlock lockers and when used on the AI have a chance of calling the shuttle


It can release prizes from the arcade machine and money from the slot machine.


Hitting a chem dispenser with an EMP causes it to spew chems

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EMP doesn’t just stun cyborgs, it also drains some power from them. Ditto for mechs. It also has a chance to disable cameras and trigger siphons from air alarms.

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oh also, an obvious one i forgot, it shuts off radio headsets


EMP drains power from anything with power.

Anything electronic has random effects ranging from breaking to temporary minor malfunctions.

Most things that can be emagged have a chance of gaining the emag effect from being hit with EMP.

Doors may be opened, bolted, shocked or any combination of the three.

Cybernetic organs fail instantly, robotic/augmented limbs trigger a hard stun.

I unlocked arm blades on limb regenerator and enabled dangerous shuttles as a revenant last night.

I’ve seen machines blow up, and IPC limbs literally come flying off from close-range EMPs. I think they also mess with nanites since I once got nanites as a cultist and used the EMP ability only to slowly be killed.

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Well that part with malfunction might work only with revenant. I tried doing the limb grower malfunction and i did EMP thr limb grower around more than 10 times. Then a revenant whispered to me and they did the thing. I assume it was you. Thank you.

yeah revenant malfunction specifically has a coded in 1/9 chance to trigger emag effect instead of EMP effect because funny

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More about IPCs, they can be dismembered pretty badly. Source, I was once fully dismembered by 1 EMP

The experimentor is right next to the nanite lab on delta and I was experimenting with nanites while someone was experimenting with grenade transmutation. An EMP went off and without me even knowing it my nanites turned toxic.

It wasn’t until something like 20 minutes later I realized I had almost 100 toxin damage and the only reason I was still alive was because of chemical purge nanites.

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