Incident Description: While hiding in maints from a rad storm, Takes-what-wants threw a smoke bomb at me and in response i shoved him. He retaliated and it ended up in a shoving match before he started to punch me, i punched back and he brought out a laser scalpel and tried to hit me with it. That fight ended with me cutting a catwalk he was standing on making him fall into the pool below (i didn’t think he would take damage from it). A moment later he came back and was spamming the botany maint door, when i opened it he came at me with the laser scalpel yet again, but i managed to disarm him and he ran off (small addendum, i managed to crit him with the laser scalpel and i dragged him off to medbay, i had to punch him two or three times because he got up). Not soon that after he came back for a second time with a new scalpel and tried to break down my windoor to botany before moving back and trying to break down the wall through maints. I called for an engineer that passed by and they tried to defend me from him, but takes still managed to crit me and almost kill me while i was down, albeit the det stopped him before he could strike the final blow.
A good while later he came back a THIRD time, this time with telekinesis and invisibility. He proceeded to fully smash the windoor this time, then take a toolbox that was laying in botany and beat me and my machines / trays with it using telekinesis, all while invisible. Just some minute later a morph came and killed me, while he cheered on.
You over escalate every conflict you have into a physical altercation “because robust”. You metagrudged me from a previous round where you again, escalated into a physical fight. I threw a smoke grenade at lars because we were fooling around before it and you were just there. So you start a fist fight? IMO this was an IC fight and you were in the wrong for escalating more than once.
Idk about this one chief, in most cases i tend to shout at people before, not that often i need to get physical. Like the one you mention here was because you refused to quit spamming the powerbutton to an esword, but then escalation was followed, either way i was satisfied with the outcome at the end since i reported you for having a high risk item to sec, calling this a metagrudge is just silly.
You threw a smoke nade at Lars AND me, i was standing right next to him in a narrow maint corridor, quite hard to judge in such conditions. I pushed you because of filling a whole corridor with smoke was quite annoying and i felt that it was warranted, i also wasn’t the first one to land a punch. I kept up with the escalations you did and yea, i would have also seen this as an ic fight, if you didn’t come back multiple times to try and murder me.
Pulled up the logs and verified events unfolded as originally reported:
@Duplic I could understand being confused about the situation and not realizing you had started a potential conflict with more than one person, so the first conflict I can rule as IC. You both felt the other player had been the aggressor in the first conflict and both have plausible reason to believe so, as well as following very gradual escalation (shoves → fists → laser scalpel, which got disarmed and used against you). At the end of the first conflict you were appropriately brought to get medical treatment as well, which could easily have been the end of it.
However, you decided to go out of your way to attack and crit the other player while not giving them treatment, then attack them a third time out of the blue as well. Not only is this over-escalation, but this is getting into antagonistic vendetta territory. Bringing up past frustrations and interactions as part of the equation somewhat ironically makes this a metagrudge on your part.