Title: [CKEY] banned by [Admin’s CKEY]
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Perm appealable
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Appeal Reason:
I would like to come back, I have taken this time to reflect and learn. There’s been quite a few times where I considered making this appeal but I felt that my ban was not quite long enough yet.
Additional Information:
Long story short, I was showing a very fresh player mechanics and how to interact with most of the game. I was viro and showed them how to make some cool viruses as well as other stuff. Unfortunately they went SSD and I was a pretty upset so I dumped my bag of pills, vials, chems, etc. and cryoed then closed the game. I did create a large number of pills of the Virus I got banned for as well as a few others I completely understand why I got banned. My apologies.