Dunkelbunt banned by Sergei Koralev

fuck maybe its worth a try with enought tokens :frowning: :frowning:



I mean vouchers sorry:(

if you mean vouches, it’s not really a “I have 7 vouches you have to let me in”. It’s just showing that you’ve grown and no longer make the same mistakes you did that had you end up permabanned by having an admin from another (ideally reputable) server say that you don’t kill people for playing meme music anymore.


I think we’re going to stop the peanuts at a minimum while I read through everything.

Alright, I’m gonna sum this up really short and sweet.

You have quite literally two notes in DECEMBER ALONE about killing people for random and shitty reasons.

In fact, according to your notes you were given a final warning in late November, so you’ve already been shown an amazing amount of leniency by other administrators.

This isn’t your past coming to ruin you. This is your recent behavior.

When I said next year, I meant 8-12-2022.

I’m sorry that you were unable to appropriately follow the rules which make Beestation a place you adore so much.

Appeal Denied