Dual Trialmin Report

" On Sage , security is required to follow Space Law as stated in the server rules. There is some leeway, but security should not stray too far or they may be bwoinked.

On Golden , this policy is more relaxed and Space Law is treated moreso as a guideline. Administrators will only intervene when you are sentenced to grossly unfair times."

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I’d say thats a grossly unfair time. Perma, vs freedom.

Space law is only enforced on MRP, and this fact is written at the top of space law itself.

I still think perma is much worse then freedom

but its not relevant on lrp my dude

on sage I would agree that you shouldve been set free

Still relevant. I think freedom is a LOT different then perma. I should have been freed, but instead I was permaed. That’s unfair.

“treated moreso as a guideline” bruh its a guideline what do you not understand. He could have shoved the combat pump down your throat for stealing aa on lrp.

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We’re getting nowhere arguing. let’s just wait for a headmin. Also, while I do see your side, I still think mine is correct. You do have a point. We just have to see what side the admins take.

Captain here, also the one who permaed the OP.

Warden gave out AA and I ended up having to gaulg A LOT of people and perma him. I made it clear anyone caught with AA would face serious consequences. Sebestion knows this and purposely gives out AA. Now I was ignoring him until I was forced to fight him because he attempted to disable me, (captain) for trying to take AA from some one. We end up fighting. When I finally capture him he says something along the lines of, “CAPTAIN IS ARRESTING ME I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE ALL ACCESS I HANDED OUT TO EVERYONE”. Then he acted so dumb when he found out he was being permaed for acting like an antag. I legit had NO IDEA why he thought I wouldn’t perma him…He was legitly baffled like he didn’t do what he did.

That being said. Tesla had came nowhere near perma. Infact the entire time I was in BRIG,I do not play with headphones so I only found out everything was fucked when I went to labor camp shuttle and tried to leave.

If they are allowed to execute you, they can do anything up to and including executing you.


Only MRP is required to enforce spacelaw, also closest to the ruling you mentioned that I could find was this:

Considering I heard the tesla, I think it came close.

Tesla came close at one point but mainly hung around the west side of the station if I remember the map that round right

I’ve just realised I’m in the wrong. I’m a dumbass, feel free to close this. Sometimes it takes me longer then others.


this shit is why we need you as admin

based ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Requested by reporter.

Seal of approval

Just so nobody complains this was closed without headmin