Drowns-The-Enemy + Kree-Veck (SmallerGuy) player feedback

first forum post! although i’ve been lurking for a little while.
i’m curious what people think of Drowns, a.k.a. that one blue lizard doctor, and if there’s anything i could improve about him; both in terms of roleplay and gameplay.

this guy, by the way:


edit: apparently i’ve unlocked more post editing abilities by this point, so i’m adding Kree-Veck to the body of this one. silly sec lizard. people seem to like him, for some reason.

lil kree


Wow! That is a cool looking character!
The name along with the colour and the angler fish light makes for a really cool instantly recognisable background!

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Never really interacted with you that much but nonetheless a chill lizard and a decent doctor, always nice to have around medbay.

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We’ve interacted/worked together i think only once with me as the CMO but by god do i love me a competent and confident doctor.

What’s that? Lobotomy from yours truly? I would love to!

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thanks! and to your credit, having a good CMO goes a long way in boosting that confidence :+1:

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bumping this up (hope that’s okay) because i have a lot more hours at this point.

ah yes, drowns-the-enemies, a name truly fit for a warri-
doctor? ya sure? alright! 10/10, always love to roleplay kree’s…well…kree’ing, and drowns is always nice to have as a doctor, always compenant!