**Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:**sage
**Which server did the ban happen on?**sage
**Ban Type:**perma
**Ban Length:**perma
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 02/10/2021
**Round ID:**26931
**Ban Reason:**Third bad name. Appeal when you have an acceptable name…
Appeal Reason: first warn was for major major - which i changed, second was for dicky dickinson - which okay, i changed - but the one that got me permabanned was for “dicky sonn” - both dicky and sonn are REAL NAMES
Additional Information: i am willing to change it if “dicky” seriously strikes you as a name that DOESN’T exist, also i find it absolutely hilarious that when i salted over it on the discord, people compared it to “adolf hitler” or the n word
I’ll lift the ban after you have presented an acceptable name. Dicky Sonn was turned down in the last round when you asked if it was good while @Froststahr was handling the ticket.
Also this was supposed to be an appearance ban, not a server ban. I’m fixing that now.