Donators should get extra beecoins

I just want more roundstart clothes so I don’t have to beg the HoP for money every round

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just play the game…

I do but I want more beecoins

play the game more you fucking mobile gamer


No I think that’s a pretty reasonable reward for donators TBH

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are you gonna add a donator battle pass next


Hmmmmm… :thinking:


wait please god dont


No if they are giving real money to the community its entirely reasonable for them to expect a little fake money that doesn’t have that much effect on the game anyway in return

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The reason donors done is because they are grateful for the work that the admemes do and want to give back, not so they can get perks


yeah but also so you can skip the que on MRP. But like, I don’t play on MRP. I want muh beecoins for muh outfits lol. Or maybe just make it be discounted on everything but the antag token, seems better imo

Just give all donators a special donator hat

Shut up avi you just wanted the fancy name and the bragging rights

Shutup your not a donor therefore you have no say in this matter

+50% beecoins
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Avi, you want the beecoin or not?


20 char char char

Alright, new petition, extra beecoin for all donators except the ones with the moral high ground


Nah. Either go whole hog, and unlock all BeeCoin items for Donaters, or leave them as they are - a reflection of skill and invested play time.

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that’s why I think a discount would be better. Beecoins retain their value