Discord warn and mute and ban appeal for michiru

Taking Vex’s opinion as second and denying this.

No I’m FUCKING NOT, you don’t even fucking know me. There is absolutely no reason to permanently ban someone from a discord for saying the word cum.

You let toxic assholes on the discord who do nothing but bait other people and act like absolute shitheads, toeing the line in actually meaningfully malicious ways but you ban me because I was “on thin ice” for accidentally saying a fucking filtered word a couple times and posting a sexual sentence

There’s no reason for any of this other than pure malice. I’m taking this incredibly personally.

My character is under constant fucking assault both on the discord and on the forum not just from players but from admins too. It’s not fair.

It’s not fair that you’re judging me so harshly and banning me for something so minor just because it happened after a series of mistakes.


I’ll be honest here, people were banned for way less.