Discord Ban Mails

Discord ID:413383480513134602

Admin Discord ID: I only got the bee bot notification, don’t know the admin that ban me

Ban Date (7/9/2024):

Ban Reason:

I posted low relevant information about rounds before the admin accepted the server had crash, I know the unthinkable (or so I think this was long ago).
Also, I posted what seems to be too political posts: 1 was a short about USA passing a law allowing them to send soldiers to Belgium to rescue their citizens from the International Criminal Court in that I posted because I consider hilarious.
The other was a Lego meme video parody of the British police prioritizing the persecution of people who posted Twits over real criminals.

Appeal Reason: Lost points with a significant time distant one to another, so I forgot about them and I barely slept the night before I lost my last point, so I was not making the best decisions, just hoping I can get a temporal ban and not permanent one, don’t really know how discord bans are handed, I promise to post political memes only in other servers.

Additional information: I would ask about how to see who were the admin that ban me to fill this in discord and the other information the standard form ask for, but a bit hard to do it now.

I can’t even see the salt mine chat just post in it

Yes, thats intentional. Muted users dont get the permission for seeing message history. You can see messages posted while you’re currently looking at the channel though.

The warnings for IC OOC are old and VERRY old respectively, so i think we can eliminate both of those in one sweep if you just affirm for me that you’ll shut it about stuff from current round going forward

The zero pointer and the new warning will stick for now. Please try to avoid political jokes of any kind, even if they’re funny.


Yea I use to violate the IC OOC rule by doing that and posting questions in the question channels during rounds (asking mentors have not always been a thing), now I wait for the bee bot to give the fail server announcement, have been doing it for a long time now.

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Alright, good enough for me :+1:
You can ask about mechanics just fine mind you - Just dont talk about “XYZ happend right now” and such.

Going to be lifting those two then
Be a good cookie