Discord ban:Crusader 2.0 no memes edition

FYI your template sucks and should be remade you can’t get half the information

Discord ID:LastCrusader

Admin Discord ID: Bass

Ban Type: Discord

Ban Length: Forever

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): about month ago

Ban Reason: Broke the community standards but bypassing a block to ping player saying why so mad

Appeal Reason: Id like to rejoin the community, when it comes to playing beestation, half the fun is speaking about the round with the random person you made friends with that round or the person you saved but then lost in the madness, that’s what makes fun rounds memorable rounds least for me
I enjoy being part of the community and wish to take my place back in it

Additional Information:I did a bad, am I sorry? No course not while the ban says I harassed a player he wasn’t too bothered, it was just the breaking of the community rules that got me in trouble and i shan’t do it again

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Better @Bastian0930 so he sees it

We have seen this, and are talking internally about this.

I missed most of the original incident, but I am aware of the many meme appeals.
This seems like a genuine one and enough time has passed.
I vote unban.


@Bastian0930 indeed I see, or am I bullshitting thank you for the vote Aedler

And believe it or not all my memes take effort so it may be lacking on words but not in effort

A discord appeal is Basically just saying what you did wrong and either lying that your sorry OR saying your never do it again
I’d argue me making memes shows I understand what I did was wrong, how else would I get the source material for the meme unless I understood the subject

But that’s neither here nor there I’ve been broken over the wheel enough times, no memes in this appeal

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@GameAdmin any update been 20h I’m sure I’m a hot topic

Honestly Discord Rules suck . Admemes removing shitposts 4noraisins, claiming stuff is NSFW and not even fully realizing what they’re looking at before hitting delet. We need more shitposts. The man did a bad and realizes it

They currently have slow mode turned on their admin chat
So to discuss my unban taking ages
But I appreciate the support
I can’t meme in my appeal but can meme all over the forum

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Curb your shitposting, not even gonna cap.

Cheers n word

20 characters bass sucks

Still beaned my child

You gotta give me like 20 seconds here

Ruko could do it in 10 seconds
Ruko for senior min

I’m in, cheers feel free to lock this now
P.s send nudes