Discord ban- Cleans-His-Ass

**Discord ID: Massage#7953

**Admin Discord ID: idk, Ruko probably

**Ban Type:

**Ban Length:

**Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 06/26/2020

**Ban Reason: also pushing the limits after already being warned

**Appeal Reason: I want to be unbanned from the beestation discord.

Additional Information:

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this is 6/27 not 6/26 get with the times old man

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That is unfortunate. You got one warning kick, came back and started spamming unacceptable images and gifs.

You’re going to have to follow the rules on the server if you want back and even in that case this is going to stick for a while.

Just wondering, Does the server have any channels where I can post memes?

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Sure it does, but not memes that break server rules.

So, what can I do to get unbanned?

Wait longer…

Man you’ve got so many chances…

ok, but can you guys actually give me a time or date please?


You could put more effort into the appeal than “I want to get unbanned”. You could give us some reason to think you won’t simply repeat what you’ve done. You responded to my telling you to follow server rules in a way that makes it seem like you don’t understand what was wrong with the memes you posted.

Ok, ill say this, the shit i posted wasn’t racist or discriminatory in anyway. And sure some of it was gross but, what do you expect from a discord server full of Autistic man children who play a 2d space game? The only meme I could see being semi-Racist was the one saying “What race are you” and it showed fucked up looking people from all races. you didnt even warn me about the memes I posted and the first discord ban was because I said the N word. But fine now that I know I cant even post edgy content, I wont do it.


Your ban has been removed