For Beestation Sage MedRP server.
I want to suggest a Spawners Menu option for the Derelict similar to the Charlie and Delta station one. And I’d like it to be available for every map that C&D station AREN’T available on. I know the Derelict Drone role is semi-available but to be blunt, I don’t think it’s useful to anyone except someone who likes to play drones. And I don’t feel there’s a massive population of players desiring that.
I do think some would prefer a Derelict Station role as a full character, however for the following reasons:
If killed during a LOOONG round and never cloned, gives the opportunity to play on another station for fun instead of floating around waiting for the round to end (which can sometimes happen in 5 minutes or not for 3 HOURS).
Some people like the Derelict and love the challenge of repairing it.
If disliking the current station, this gives another one available.
With no real antag available on it (unless one is made), it allows for extended play to be largely uninterrupted by meaty ores or space vines or anything else (unless an Admin decides to screw around…which could be fun, sometimes.)
I would like for it to have at least 4 or 5 spots available (but all this is negotiable, the ultimate goal is to make the Derelict a spawner role). A good solid team that can do this can probably get the job done.
A SUGGESTION as to what the player can spawn with :
A red text stating the usual YOU HAVE NO MEMORY OF PREVIOUS LIFE as well as just a short “YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN BY MOTHER RUSSIA TO RESTORE STATION K13! As Russia is struggling financially and cannot afford to make another one, your goal is to restore K Station to it’s former glory and secure all valuable items. Beware, Space Station 13 may send others. You are not to take aggressive action unless someone invades or you are given orders from Command. Work as a team to rebuild the station!”
Russian uniform, jackboots, suspicious toolbox (full), dufflebag (with iron sheets, glass, cable coils and a box with food items), Suspicious Space suit, large oxygen tank, gas mask, Stetchskin (with only one clip).
Objectives: 1. Restore power via solars. 2. Repair Gravity Generator, Atmospherics and T-Comms. 3. Contact Command and report in to them.
This will, of course, require some changes to the Derelict. For one, as it was explained to me, the Derelict HAS no Atmos system. So we need to put one in, moderately damaged but repairable. I don’t know if the gravity generator there CAN be repaired but if not, remove it and replace it with one that CAN be repaired.
And put in a satellite of some kind that allows them the ability to listen in but not communicate (except via “ANNOUNCEMENTS” like Captain’s Announcements but instead K13 Station/Kremlin13 Station Announcements) from a comms console.
Finally, some kind of shuttle that can dock with Lavaland so some mining can be done. Shoot, one of those escape pods like near the hermit’s place would do nicely, just have it work like any other shuttle, can only go from Lavaland to the Derelict.
And basically make an admin be “Command”. If there is no Admin, then their objective is simply to repair and mine. If there is an Admin, they can give an objective as they see it.
I know this would be a large amount of work but ultimately, I think it would be worth it. Especially if there could be some kind of war or competition between K13 and SS13, especially if it was over resources in Lavaland. Or a strange alliance or working together. Hell, Syndicates/Nukies could try and ally with a K13 or something to that effect. It opens a LOT of possibilities that I would like to see how players handle or deal with.