Title: Demi-Wahoo banned by Marshmellow10
Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Antagonist Ban - 5 days
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Accused of antag rolling.
Appeal Reason:
I am aware that i tend to leave rounds at start, but BY HELL i was not antag rolling. I do not wish to have this pinned to my name. I mostly leave either because i notice it is a late hour or i had something important to do, both of those things outside of my control.
Additional Information:
Why do you leave rounds at the start? I can understand leaving past the fourty minute mark, maybe nothing is going on or you need to leave for something, but consistently leaving rounds right after they start looks very damning when you haven’t rolled antag and cryo within minutes.
If you don’t feel like playing the rounds, why are you readying up only to go to cryo right away?
Honestly, i got called, so i thought game was less important than someone elses request. Did not want to hog the detective slot.
Sure, things happen, and lots of shit is more important than this ancient shitass game.
But, in your own words,
Because i notice it is either late, or i have something else important to do. If it causes problems then i apologise.
I forgot about this, apologies.
As it stands, readying up only to cryo later is a bad behaviour and looks identical to antag rolling. If you don’t want to play, have important things to do, or cant play late, then don’t ready up.
In the spirit of fairness, I’ve amended the ban to say ‘appeared to be antag rolling’ and added your reason at the end, but don’t continue to do this please.
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