Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
game ban
Ban Length:
7 days
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
2020-05-26 00:08
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
On LRP during a nuke ops round, beat clown to crit and chopped off their legs with fireaxe for shoving em like twice. auth Astriker
Appeal Reason:
happend on Meta Station
So first off i think there is some missing context here, its not like the clown pushed me twice and i chopped his legs off.
I was in maints left of botany when a clown started walking torwards me, i didnt see him to well as i turned off my light and tried not to get pushed by him as he was trying to take my fireaxe but he kept pushing me and i kept trying to escape and avoid walls as not to fall. After going from the enterance to botany maints to being below the middle of botany i started hitting him back with the fireaxe and as i just now got light on him i saw that he was wanted so because he was being a cunt i wanted to bring him to sec. After getting him to a sec man I chopping the left leg off the clown and the sec man told me to keep the wanted clown and so i did. I didnt know it was a nuke round and even if it was one and i had known that there can still be BB and traitors so not knowing if he was one or not i just used him for whatever i needed.
I have the quirk that gives me a surplus prosthetic leg which i wanted replaced with a bio one and since i had the clown and sec told me to keep him i just cut his right leg making him legless, put him in a cryo, and released him and got my leg replaced.
I dont understand what i did wrong, the clown was baiting me in maints trying to take my axe, i caught him, handed him over to sec and cut his left leg off because he was being a cunt, the sec guy told me to keep him so i did, used him for replacement of my leg and released him. He was still in medbay and could have gotten a pair of legs at any moment anyway so why did i get banned for bullying a wanted baiter.
I dont belive i should be banned for it but at the very least reduce the ban to 1 day because i can admit that he didnt harm me and technically i did cut both his legs off if i didnt plan on it initially.
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