Captain and Items
While the Captain is in charge of the station, this does not entitle him to job specific or hard to replace gear such as the Warden’s Krav Maga gloves, budget cards, the Head of Security’s energy gun, the Bartender’s shotgun, the CMO’s hypospray, etcetera.
I stand by this. Captain is not entitled to unique items. It’s necessary to promote someone to the job that is entitled to them to prevent confusion like this case. Captain screwed up here, and @TottalyNotC had no way of knowing that when they found the player walking around with a unique item.
Uniques will often be assumed stolen if not in possession by the player that is entitled to it, even moreso if the player that is actually entitled to it doesn’t exist because nobody with a right to the item could have given it to them.
Rue already said it about as well as I could. I’d rather see this brought up before it becomes an issue if someone sees inconsistency on this level, although it looks like it was handled in discord via discussion with other admins already.