CKEY: TottalyNotC
Your Discord: CumSwampMonster#1350
Offender’s CKEY: Dallen9
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Date (MM-DD-YYYY):06.30.2020
Round Number:17910
Part of Admin Conduct Broken (if relevant): he doesn’t know the rules lole!!!
Incident Description: I read a PDA message from an engi to a scientist. It reads as follows: "ive just been doing my job but if there is anywhere i shouldnt just be doing my job if you know what i mean gimme a shout ". Sketch but i don’t do anything about it. Then i see that engi who sent the message walking around wearing advanced magboots. I put 2 and 2 together and decide to dab on him. He gets dabbed on, then his scientist friend decides to n2o flood and gets dabbed on aswell. Minutes later i get bwoinked by Dallen asking “Why did you kill Dola?”, as if him having the advanced magboots doesn’t make him valid. So i tell him that, and he proceeds to tell me how having high-risk items doesn’t actually make players valid, and that Dola actually asked for permission from the captain to take CE’s shit. So from that several questions arise
How the fuck was i supposed to know that? If im supposed to ask every single human being with advanced magboots/hand teles/cap’s antique gun whether or not they had permission to take it, do you think ANY ONE of them will straight up admit stealing shit? I doubt it.
How the fuck does the Captain have the right to let people take CE`s shit (which includes high-risk items such as the blueprints and the magboots)?
Rare or unique items such as the Wardens krav maga gloves, compact combat shotgun, or traitor objectives, are always self antagonising when stolen from someone or for no reason, unless there is an immediate purpose or need to steal said item. If the player cannot provide a valid reason, it is self antagonising behaviour.
The point that Dallen desperately tried to bring up was that this wasn’t in fact “stealing”, because the cap gave the guy permission. But then there’s this ruling that literally states the following:
While the Captain is in charge of the station, this does not entitle him to job specific or hard to replace gear such as the Warden’s Krav Maga gloves, budget cards, the Head of Security’s energy gun, the Bartender’s shotgun, the CMO’s hypospray, etcetera.
So the captain let A RANDOM engineer secure a unique, high-risk item that wasn’t even his… Bruh…
People get killed for having unique or high-risk items they shouldn’t all the time on LRP, be it advanced magboots, cap’s antique laser, hand tele, compact combat shotgun etc. Having them as a non-antag is literally self-antag. It literally doesn’t matter that the captain gave the engineer permission to do so because he doesn’t get to decide what happens to CE’s gamer loot.
Furthermore, i’ve had a ban that i appealed not too long ago about killing the HoP for having an antique laser gun. @Ruko said that having the item would indeed make him valid. NO ONE thought of asking him if he “got permission from the captain” because it didn’t matter. Having such items makes you valid.
So in conclusion, it was indeed theft, because the captain doesn’t get to decide what happens to CE`s high-risk items which are literal antag objectives. And guess what, if it wasn’t obvious enough by now, Dola and the scientist were indeed blood brothers, with the objective of stealing CE’s magboots.
Additional Information: The captain handed a traitor their objective, for which the traitor was later validly killed, and for that reason i was bwoinked for 20-30 minutes of that round, and the end was delayed because they were having a “long chat in discord about this”. Bruh.