Cyborg balance discussion (Formerly: Cyborg polls)

to be honest, some things I want changed are

cyborgs get slowed when damaged

non-engineering cyborgs have a max pressure and temp before they start taking damage

cyborgs shouldn’t be able to heal other cyborgs or themselves with welders

only peacekeepers should get flashes

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Why are cyborgs involved in combat in the first place if there are no sec borgs?

If its because Silicons have a license to validhunt because AI says so then thats a different issue from borgs being involved in combat because they were subverted.

I voted that cyborgs are pretty powerful and could use some rebalancing.

  • Cyborgs should get slower when damaged. At present they’re little speed demons even with all of their modules offline.

It always turns into a boring chase through all-access areas once they start to lose. And I remind you that SS13 had damage slowdown specifically to punish that.

And combat against a cyborg is equally boring when your options are hit it or flash/EMP it. There’s nothing creative or department-specific about whacking a trashcan.

This, however, is more stimulating!

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Cyborgs short circuit when exposed to water, and get instantly killed if they happen to fall into a pool

Im sorry what “Instant heals” are you referring to? Self healing with a welder takes several seconds and the repair drone takes even longer/

Edit: Cyborgs can also always be disabled at range by an upgraded laser pointer.

They are absurdly weak in combat unless you are actually robust.

What if we only gave the flash to the secborg and let all the other ones have something else? Or maybe nothing at all?

Secborg doesn’t exist anymore. It was removed because there was an issue with Cyborgs enforcing space law instead of following their own laws, and also secborgs just being very valid-thirsty in general. (Now it’s engi borgs instead because they were the next best)

Also because secborgs, with cyborgs how they are, were too much of an issue for people to get past in combat. Unless you have their very specific weakness they are extremely powerful. Flashes are fairly common, but it still forced a situation of “If you don’t have this, you will lose” which just isn’t cool for anyone in any situation.

With secborg I mean the egg ass looking borgs that shout human harm on megaphones, not whatever you are talking about. Is the module so irrelevant you didn’t even think of it?

The third tier of lasers when put in a laser pointer can literally stun borgs as a distance the same as a flash can.

This is called Peacemaker borg, nothing about them is remotely security related. They are most notorious for abusing their megaphone to cause harm and shittery, then brushing it off like it wasn’t intentional.

No, I’m well aware that peacemakers exist, I’ve just not ever heard someone refer to them as a secborg.

This is what comes to mind when someone says secborg, the one that was equipped like security and intended to assist them.


Back to this though, now that I know what you’re talking about

Yes, peacemaker borgs are a good candidate to be the only one which uses flashes, but two flashes are used to construct all borgs so it won’t make much sense unless these are swapped for something else like flashlights.

A) Exactly how commonplace are laser pointers
B) How many people know where to get them
C) Who knows you can even upgrade them

Niche and barely known weaknesses are not a good weakness, but it definitely is a good point against it if they are just printed from any lathe with ease.

Some Cyborgs being able to rapidly self-heal

I didn’t say self-healing was instant. The poll says “rapidly” and this takes 5 seconds, so it is very fast. You can stack as many progress bars as you can click up, so it is barely more than five seconds for a full heal from any damaged state that can still put a welder in slot 1.

Cyborg being able to near instantly heal with a second players’ support

And this does not have a progress bar and is actually instant. Any case of healing a cyborg except self-healing has no progress bar, you just click and it’s +15 health, as fast as you can click until they’re full.

Grabbing a gif to demonstrate since you don’t seem to believe this is the case.

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You can print them and several jobs spawn with them.

How many people know the Cargo Autolathe has no access restrictions and can print a number of items you would otherwise need to break into places with? Arguing about the ignorance of others does not discount the point from being valid.

Most of the mentor staff, anyone who has read the Mentor thread to completion, codedivers, people who bother to explore every mechanic no matter how obscure in order to powergame, most felinid players, powergaming sec players. Again, arguing from a point of ignorance of others does not discount the point.

They cant be printed from any lathe. Just most of them.

Which only one cyborg module has. The repair drone can be added to all modules and takes for fucking ever and a ton of power to actually heal.

Another point: There are literally 2* (*Peacekeeper may be somewhat competent if played robustly.) modules competent at combat to even be considered viable. Engi and med.

Also i wasnt responding to you. You didnt say instant-heals. Someone else did.

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It kinda does. If knowledge is very obscure it is not a very great counter until it spreads substantially. I only know of one job that spawns with a laser pointer, but I have also never really paid much attention to the item so I wouldn’t be surprised to learn of more. There is never a period where someone stops learning new things about this game

Three out of seven. Mining and Standard cyborgs also have welding tools and rapid self-healing by extension.

Standard and Mining cyborgs would once again like a word with you. Standard even has zipties for arrests, and while the PKA is somewhat limited it is quite powerful within those limitations. I also don’t think the loss of self-welding would kill their combat viability at all, it just kills their ability to indefinitely sustain combat even if they continually take blows.

TBH I think the universal self-healing module could be buffed alongside the PR I’m trying to make. It should still take at least a couple minutes to fully heal, but it doesn’t need to have extreme battery drain. I just want them to need more than 5-10 seconds away from combat when they get beaten up because they already have extra health and maintain high movement speed.

Losing movement speed when they’re low on health sounds like the more popular avenue to pursue though, and also solves the problem fairly well - if they lose the ability to a speedy disengagement they have also lost the ability to quickly heal themselves.

i know how fast you can heal them it is disgusting, i wish the self heal would be a bit longer or no progress bar stacking and the help repair woudl take a bit with no stacking

also Ruko what do you plan with your PR? what changes? I have a lot of robo/borg knowledge thats could help you

This was the PR I had opened, It only addressed self healing and not team healing. I’ve closed it in favor of damage slowdown because it addresses the problem better.

I’m going to look at this as well, and adding a progress bar to team heals instead of it being instant (also for IPCs)

All the clerical jobs do and three command jobs do. They are in several offices on several maps too.

I dont count either of them because their welders are so bad with fuel capacity they cannot heal to full.

Who the fuck even plays standard? Also mining is not effective on station and fucking it over on Lavaland only fucks it over for people who play it.

I agree with you (Pukes intensely at the thought) only VTEC exists so your point doesnt matter.


I can also since i play silicon a lot.

Well, I’m planning to make a general Cyborg adjustment PR so shoot anything you have.

Currently the plans are (assuming I can figure out how to do them):

  • Add progressive slowdown to damaged borgs at 50 HP thresholds
  • No stacking progress bars on repairs
  • Add progress bar for assisted repairs
  • Upgrade the Standard/Miner borgs to standard welders instead of emergency ones
  • Since the ability to repair mid-combat is being indirectly whacked with a bat, add a standard welder to the four that don’t have one so that all cyborgs can self-repair and it becomes less of a deciding factor when choosing your module.
  • Do something about armor piercing capability of Medborg Hypospray, such as progress bar (even though this doesn’t really fit hypospray) and/or warning for the recipient. Potentially remove armor piercing capability because medborgs can just strip people who need care.
  • Look into improving the self-repair module
  • Battery being completely drained is almost negligible. Find a solution to this.

Piercing module needs to be more expensive and the organ storage bag for medborg needs to be more visible in general. Almost no one knows it exists because they cant see it.

Also a terminology change would be nice. Everything is called a module. Separate cyborg variants? Module. The individual equipment on the variant? Module. Upgrades? Module.

Its annoying. Any alternatives would be appreciated.

I feel mediborgs able to instantly inject someone with reagents that has a hardsuit or armor on is kind of ridiculous. Maybe make it so this can’t happen without at least a progress bar and notification?

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